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computer packages

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Q: What are the types of computer packages and what are their capabilities?
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What are types of application packages?

Application packages support commonly performed business functions and usually is two or more bundled programs for the computer that help to address specific needs of the business. Accounting packages and illustration packages are different types of application packages.

What are financial accounting packages Explain brief?

Financial Accounting Packages represent computer software that can be purchased in order to keep track of bank transcations, inventory, journals. There are many different types of Financial Account Packages.

What types of packages are offered by DISH Network in Canada?

Dish Network offers the same types of packages that they offer in the United States of America. They offer HD packages, non HD packaged and international packages.

What types of computer packages does the store Best Buy sell?

Best Buy sells a wide variety of computer packages including laptops and desktops. The desktop packages contain everything you need such as monitor, keyboard, mouse and the pc unit itself. The offer HP and Cyberpower desktops and you can choose from basic to high power pc's depending on your needs and budget.

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What is an expensive powerful desktop computer which is geared for intense calculations and graphic capabilities?

It means a computer with Powerful Vdeo and Gaming Capabilities. (A Computer That Operates at More Than 12000231 Mhz.) or in your case, a computer built for media. -Razgriz

What are a list of software packages?

There are numerous software packages available today. Operating systems and computer utilities are generally sold as packages. Examples of software packages include Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, Windows OS, and Norton.

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What are the different types of package in java?

1.user defined packages 2.predefined packages