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Geography (geology)



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Q: What are the two main branches of earth science?
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What are the two main branches of science?

the two main branches of science is natural science, and muncar science.

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two main branch of science

What two branches of earth science rely heavily on other areas of science?

physics and chemistry

What are the four main branches of science?

It is Weather Life Science and two more...

What are two branches of earth science that rely heavily on other areas?

Meteorology relies heavily on physics and computer science to understand weather patterns and make more accurate predictions. Geology heavily relies on chemistry to study the composition and properties of rocks and minerals.

What are the 2 kinds of natural science?

There are two kinds of natural science. They are biology and chemistry. Sub branches include astronomy, physics, and earth science.

Major branches of science?

The major branches of science are physical sciences (e.g., physics, chemistry), life sciences (e.g., biology, medicine), Earth sciences (e.g., geology, meteorology), and social sciences (e.g., psychology, sociology). These branches are further divided into specialized fields that focus on specific aspects of the natural or social world.

How do you compare and contrast the two main branches of physical science?

The two main branches of physical science are physics and chemistry. Physics focuses on the study of matter, energy, and the interactions between them, while chemistry explores the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter. Physics is more concerned with fundamental forces and principles of the universe, while chemistry is more focused on the behavior and transformation of individual atoms and molecules. Both disciplines are interconnected and contribute to our understanding of the natural world.

2 main types of science?

The two main types of science are natural sciences, which study the physical world (e.g. biology, physics, chemistry), and social sciences, which study human behavior and society (e.g. psychology, sociology, economics).

Differentiate the two main branches of science?

the 2 main branch is ecology means ecosistem while the one is neutral meas natural or means true

What are the Two branches of science?

Astronomy and Biology.

What is the division of science what is science where are the branches of science?

uhm.. there are two types of science: social and natural