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1. Missouri and Maine became states.

2. The Mason-Dixon line, the line that separated the North and the South, was established across the Southern border of Missouri

3. This compromise kept the balance between free and slave states for 30 years.

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Q: What are the three main conditions of the Missouri Compromise are?
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What were the provisions as permitted by the Missouri compromise?

As most people do not just happen to have a copy of the American Journey History Textbook sitting on their bookshelf, I found this answer to be rather useless. The three provisions of the Missouri Compromise are: 1.) Missouri came in as a slave state. 2.) Maine came in as a free state. 3.) Slavery was banned in territories north of the Mason Dixon line.

How did the Missouri Compromise of 1820 reach its compromise?

How the Missouri Compromise of 1820 reached its compromise is that they realized that Main was neither of the two .It wasn't a slave state nor was it a free state so they decided that Maine should be a free state because of its environment with all the factories and that Missouri should be a slave state because of its large plantations.

What were the three main parts of the Missouri Compromise of 1850?

1.Maine would separate from and be admitted as a free state; 2.Missouri would enter the Union as a slave state; and 3.The remaining territory of the Louisianna Purchase, which lay north of the 36-30 parallel, would be closed off to slavery.

How did US Senator Stephen A Douglas characterize the Missouri Compromise of 1850?

Senator Stephen A. Douglas put forth the argument that if the Missouri Compromise of 1850 really was a compromise, it had to put forward a consistent principle. If it did not then it was not a compromise, but instead a modus vivendi arrangement. The main problem of this characterization is that Douglas was asking a rhetorical question. Douglas was the one to know inasmuch as he helped put it together.

What issue did the Missouri compromise deal with in the new territories seeking statehood?

The main purposes of both Missouri Compromises, 1820 & 1850 was to keep in balance free States & slave States. This would be handled before they became States. Or if necessary after Statehood.

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Which compromise involved the state of main?

Missouri compromise

What were the main condition of the Missouri compromise?

The three conditions were: to admit Missouri as a free state, to admit Missouri statehood as a slave state where slavery was to be prohibited north of the 36th parallel in the rest of the Louisiana Purchase, Maine a part of Massachusetts was to be admitted as a free state.

What are the two main points in The Missouri Compromise?

kill urself

What were the provisions as permitted by the Missouri compromise?

As most people do not just happen to have a copy of the American Journey History Textbook sitting on their bookshelf, I found this answer to be rather useless. The three provisions of the Missouri Compromise are: 1.) Missouri came in as a slave state. 2.) Maine came in as a free state. 3.) Slavery was banned in territories north of the Mason Dixon line.

Who was the supporter for The Missouri Compromise?

The main supporter for the Missouri Compromise was the class of Northwest Frontiersmen Farmers. The Negotiations who led to the Compromise itself were successfully carried out thanks the able mediation of Henry Clay and the moderation of the ruling Southern elite.

When did main become a state?

Maine became a state in 1820 as part of the Missouri Compromise.

How did the Missouri Compromise of 1820 reach its compromise?

How the Missouri Compromise of 1820 reached its compromise is that they realized that Main was neither of the two .It wasn't a slave state nor was it a free state so they decided that Maine should be a free state because of its environment with all the factories and that Missouri should be a slave state because of its large plantations.

What were the components of The Missouri Compromise?

The impasse was resolved when Maine separated from Massachusetts and applied for statehood. A compromise, supported by Henry Clay, was proposed and accepted by both sides. This compromise, known as the Missouri Compromise, provided for the admittance of Missouri as a slave state and the admittance of Maine as a free state, thereby preserving the balance of power. In addition, the North was able to hold its position that Congress should determine the expansion of slavery into the territories by including a provision that forbade slavery forever in the Louisiana Purchase north of the 36o 30' parallel.So the three main components of the Missouri Compromise are;1) admit Missouri as a slave state2) admit Maine as a free state3) forbid slavery north of 36o 30' in the Louisiana Purchase

What was the main point of The Missouri Compromise?

The goal was to keep a political balance between slave states and free states.

What were the three main parts of the Missouri Compromise of 1850?

1.Maine would separate from and be admitted as a free state; 2.Missouri would enter the Union as a slave state; and 3.The remaining territory of the Louisianna Purchase, which lay north of the 36-30 parallel, would be closed off to slavery.

How did US Senator Stephen A Douglas characterize the Missouri Compromise of 1850?

Senator Stephen A. Douglas put forth the argument that if the Missouri Compromise of 1850 really was a compromise, it had to put forward a consistent principle. If it did not then it was not a compromise, but instead a modus vivendi arrangement. The main problem of this characterization is that Douglas was asking a rhetorical question. Douglas was the one to know inasmuch as he helped put it together.

Who founded the state of Maine?

Perhaps better asked is what founded the US state of Maine. Main became a state in 1820 as part of the Missouri Compromise of 1820. To keep the balance between slave and free states, the Compromise added Missouri as a slave state and part of Massachusetts was made into Maine. Perhaps it can be said that Henry Clay from Kentucky "founded" Maine as he was the main force behind the Compromise.