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AnswerIn first-century Palestine, the people did not generally have surnames in the way we now do, although many of the Romans did. Jews were simply known as the son ('bar') of their father.
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Only the surname of Judas (Iscariot) is certain.

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Q: What are the surnames of all of the apostles?
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Are there any surnames in the Bible?

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Red, Reed, White, Wight, Brown, and Browne all are nickname-type surnames.

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What does a surname have to have to be Viking?

Letters! -All surnames are composed of letters.

All surnames in Britain from a to z?

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Are all the apostles saints?

No, Judas who betrayed Our Lord is not a saint. All the other apostles are considered saints.

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All the Christian churches are continuing the work of the apostles.

Which of the twelve apostles is not recognized as a saint?

Of the original 12 apostles, Judas, who betrayed Our Lord, is not a saint. All the other apostles are considered as saints.