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-Both have an instruction for judges, police officers, and witnesses

-Both set regulations and establish wages and prices

-Both punished criminals

-Both had a certain set of right

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Q: What are the similarities of US and the code of Hammurabi?
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Are the differences between the mosaic law and hammurabi's code more important than the similarities?

The mosaic laws deals more with the health problems and the Hammurabi code deals more with civil laws.

How does the code of Hammurabi compare to laws the US?

It known that the constitution follows the Hammurabi code with the preamble, laws and closing statement.

Who was Hammurabi and what did he?

the hammurabi code

What type of legal system did Hammurabi set up Code Of Hammurabi?

Code Of Hammurabi

How did hammurabis code affect the US declaration?

Not the Declaration but the Constitution which follows the principles from the Hammurabi code.

Why on the code of Hammurabi is Hammurabi being handed the code of hammarabi?

It was his code he was the author.

Who developed the code of law in Babylon?

Hammurabi, the ruler of Babylon, developed the code of law there.

What are great facts about hammurabi?

Hammurabi is known for being the maker of the code of Hammurabi

What was unique about code of hammurabai?

The Hammurabi code is the first code known to us that contained laws for each of the social status.

How is the code of Hammurabi similar to the law of US?

It has a prologue followed by 282 amendments.

How was Hammurabi's Code new and different?

Hammurabi's code is more strict

Why is the code of Hammurabi useful?

The Code of Hammurabi is the first written laws.