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The similarities between the Mexican and the American culture; Well a big one is probably how both cultures believe in God and Jesus. A big majority of Mexico is christian or catholic. Both cultures celebrate Christmas and Easter. There aren't many similarities, But I would say that that was a big one.

Hope I helped! I think my answer is better than the last one though.

no offense but culture isnt a religious topic. it can be but in this case, no. culture is the way they dress for certain holidays or practices which CAN be religious. plus, a majority of america isnt catholic or christian, its all mixed in (it says mexico but we are talking about similarities so whoever put this answer was probably thinking they meant it for both). they could have mentioned a religious fact if it was just similarities. not cultural similarities. the reason i say this is wrong is because culture and religion are definitely not the same thing, yes your culture can be INFLUENCED by a religion but it depends. sorry to waste your time considering i dont have the right answer but try Yahoo. they always have the answers there. i just didnt want you to be miss led.

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Q: What are the similarities between Mexican and American culture?
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