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The Whiskey Rebellion occured in Pennsylvania, during George Washington's second term as President of the United States. The Secretary of Treasury, Alexander Hamilton had declared a tax on liquor made from the wheat and barley that the Pennsylvania farmers grew. The farmers protested, became rebels and overcame small groups of federal troops. They closed the courts and began a march to Pittsburg. President Washington knew he could not let this small band of rebels continue. He dressed in his military uniform and led a group of heavily armed militiamen to quickly put down the revolt. The president declared the only way to change federal law was at the ballot box.

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16y ago
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9y ago

The Whiskey Rebellion was a protest against a tax on distilled spirits to pay off the war debt. Shay's Rebellion was an actual attempt to overthrow the government, beginning in Massachusetts. Shay and his followers were upset about the seizure of their lands and bankruptcies caused by, what they thought, were a far off elite class who did not represent them.

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12y ago

NO they were 2 completely differentrebellions.


Whiskey Rebellion's purpose was to oppose the new heavy taxes that were placed on whiskey. Taxes were placed on imported alcohol in order to pay off the debt owed to European investors from the Revolutionary War, like France. This is the era when America started distilling their own backyard whiskey to evade tax collectors. From fermented corn people were able to distill it to a clear and extremely potent alcoholic drink, later called (white lighting or moonshine). George Washington sent more troops to stop the rebellion than he did for the Revolutionary War. Tax collectors were dumped in tar and feathers to rebel and humiliate the government. George Washington was so impressed by the bootleggers that he himself had "alembics" to make his own, which was apple whiskey. Bourbon was then born.

Shay's Rebellion was named after Daniel Shay who was one of the many unpaid war veterans from the Continental Army who had to give up their homes to unpaid debts. Even after givin up so much to for their country they were being harassed by sherrif's, constables, lawyers, and tax collectors. Samuel Adams helped draw up the Riot Act, which would punish anybody who would instigate public riots in Massachussetts.

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9y ago

Shay's rebellion was a revolt against the revolutionary government under the Articles of Confederation, before the US Constitution. It was prompted by general economic depression and the attempts of merchants and state and local officials to collect taxes and other debts through the courts. The people trying to collect were rarely from the immediate area they were trying to collect from. The revolt likely affected the plan for the new constitution and the limits of the power of the federal government.
The whiskey rebellion occurred after the constitution, with its safeguards to individual freedom, was ratified and in effect. It was a revolt by farmers who distilled whiskey against a new federal whiskey tax. The farmers did not feel any need to pay federal taxes in general and they staged a revolt against the idea of a tax which seemed to be specifically aimed at them. The revolution was defeated with the result that the power of the new federal government to levy and collect taxes was firmly established.

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12y ago

Both involved farmers and both were against the taxes.

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12y ago

They both had similar meanings to rebel. They both were because of ridiculous taxes.

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Daniel shay started the whiskey rebellion in which he stirred up farmers and peasents against the government because of the tax on whiskey.

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Tom the Tinker assumed leadership of the Whiskey Rebellion, nobody knows who he was, although some assume he was John Holcroft, a veteran of the Shays rebellion.

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What is Shays rebellion in a sentence?

There were many great rebellions, but none like shays rebellion. Shays' Rebellion was a militia uprising.

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It was the farm owners who rebelled in Shays' Rebellion. The rebellion occurred in Massachusetts and was led by Daniel Shays. Another prominent leader of the rebellion was Luke Day.

How did the whiskey rebellion and shays rebellion affect public opinion about the current governments in place at that time?

son pas mados nadien de la respuesta correct qu emal

What did shays rebellion focus on closing?

Shays's Rebellion forced courts to close.

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The rebellion that led to the closing of courts in Massachusetts was Shays' Rebellion, named after its leader, Daniel Shays. The rebellion was eventually crushed.