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Q: What are the reasons China is building the Three Gorges Dam?
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What are negative effects on China because of the Three Gorges Dam?

displacement of larege population destroys the beauty

Who would win in world war three china or US?


What three architectural styles did the Roman use most often?

building roads, building aqueducts, and building arches

Identify three actions the emperor Shi Huangdi took to unite China?

identify three actions that emperor Shi Huangdi took to unite China?

What were three reasons did roman engineers build a network of roads?

Three of the reasons were for more rapid troop movement, to connect the provinces, and to ease travel and trade.

Related questions

When was China Three Gorges University created?

China Three Gorges University was created in 2000.

When was China Three Gorges Corporation created?

China Three Gorges Corporation was created on 1993-09-27.

What is the sustainability of the three gorges dam in china?

The sustainiblity of 3 gorges dam in china is 100 to 120 billion.

Where was the three gorges dam built?

The Three Gorges Dam was built on the Yangtze River in China. It spans across the provinces of Hubei and Sichuan.

Why was the building of the three gorges d?


Worlds largest man maid lake?

three gorges lake created by the three gorges dam in china

What country is the Three Gorges Dam located in?

It is in China.

What is china's biggest dam?

Three Gorges Dam

What country is the three gorges dam in?

The Three Gorges Dam is located in China. It spans the Yangtze River in Hubei province and is one of the largest hydropower projects in the world.

What country is the three gorges dam located?

The Three Gorges Dam is located on the Chang Jiang (Yangtze River) between Chongquig and Wuhan.

Which is the World's biggest dam?

Three Gorges dam in China

What is China's mega dam?

It is the three gorges dam haha!