OS - Ordinary Seaman
AB - Able Seaman
LS - Leading Seaman
MS - Master Seaman
PO2 - Petty Officer 2nd Class
PO1 - Petty Officer 1st Class
CPO2 - Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class
CPO1 - Chief Petty Officer 1st Class
NCDT - Naval Cadet
ASLT - Acting Sub-Lieutenant
SLT - Sub-Lieutenant
Lt - Lieutenant
LCdr - Lieutenant-Commander
Cdr - Commander
Capt - Captain
Cmdr - Commodore
RAdm - Rear-Admiral
VAdm - Vice-Admiral
Adm - Admiral
The Royal Canadian Navy was the third largest navy in the world at the beginning of World War 2.
There are approximately 9,000 regular-force members wearing the Navy uniform in Canada's armed forces, however the forces are integrated, which means support personnel from any branch can be serving at a facility primarily dedicated to another branch. For example, a cook on a ship can be from the Army or Air Force ranks, and a Navy pay clerk can be stationed at an Air or Army Base.
The branch of the US armed forces that has admirals is the Navy. The armed forces is made up of the army, air forces and the navy.
The RCAF stands fo rthe Royal Canadian Air Force and it is one of the oldest air forces The RCAF stands fo rthe Royal Canadian Air Force and it is one of the oldest air forces
Navy Army Air Force Institute
It is the war center of America and has supplied troops, a navy and air forces for the US Army and has helped by supplying and comanding troops air forces and navy ships during World War II and many wars.
The Canadian Forces is comprised of the Canadian Army, the Canadian Navy, and the Canadian Air Force. A sniper would be Infantry personnel of the Canadian Army.
Army Navy Air Force
The Canadian Forces is Canada's military, comprised of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Marines.
Neither, the Canadian Armed Forces are MUCH more unified than the American forces. In the Canadian Forces there are the 3 elements, land, sea, air. The Canadian Army The Canadian Navy The Canadian Air Force If you are in the Air Force... you belong to the Canadian Air Force. We do not have an explicit "marine" force as is my understanding.
There are approximately 9,000 regular-force members wearing the Navy uniform in Canada's armed forces, however the forces are integrated, which means support personnel from any branch can be serving at a facility primarily dedicated to another branch. For example, a cook on a ship can be from the Army or Air Force ranks, and a Navy pay clerk can be stationed at an Air or Army Base.
Army Navy Air Force Marines Rangers Coast Guard
That would be ranks in the Army or Air Force.
There were no "Islanders" in the fight against German U- boats. This fight was carried by the Canadian Navy, Royal Navy and British , Canadian and US Air forces.
None. The Royal Canadian Air Force was dissolved in 1968.
There are 70,000 men in the Canadian airforce.
the armed forces are the army, the marines , the navy, and the air force
The branch of the US armed forces that has admirals is the Navy. The armed forces is made up of the army, air forces and the navy.