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Simple economical reason of American Imperialism is continuation of energy flow to western world. But historical and sociological reasons are much more complex.

First reason can be deducted as the physcological sense of separation from the rest of the world, and the xenophobia that comes with it. This kind of agrresive xenophobia can be seen in island nations, or in the communities which were located in isolated areas. This kind of comunities live an isolated, and introvasive life for a time and when the troubles of the outside world reach to to their shores in a degree that can not be ignored, an explosively aggresive reaction of invasion takes its place. Japan after the Meiji revolution, Vikings, Britain are some examples. USA which enjoyed a somewhat isolated existence till the The World Wars suddenly became a superpower and a major player in international politics. History asfter the 9-11 attacks also can be seen as such an explosive reaction.

Second reason is obviously the capitalism. As the only truly capitalist system in the world(even British Empire had a strict sense of government over the market), America needs to find raw materials, cheap labour and welcoming markets with friendly governments for its products. Fastest and most efficient way to achieve that is through imperialism. İt can even be said that capitalism and imperialism are inseparable.

Third reason is the vacuum of power in the international arena after the WW1. Four greatest empires of the Old World (Habsburgs German, British, Ottoman Turkish and Tsarist Russian) lost most of their power after the war. While three of them were perished completely, British empire lost incredible amount of political and military power in this war and started to shrink. By the time of WWII there were almost no superpower int he world. USA, with its young power filled that void by itself. But there was a problem. Most of this former empires were found near the historical power center of the world, roughly around the Medeterannian era( lands of the first superpower Roman Empire) and USA was far far away. This can be seen as the reason why America aggresively tries to locate itself politically in Middle East. Because of its location, Imperialism is the only tool for USA to achieve that.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Economic: Need for a new market. Political:Manifest Destiny & great naval power. Cultural: Spread American cultures and values.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Economic:With the need for a new market.

Political: Due to Manifest Destiny & great naval power.

Cultural: In order to spread American cultures and values

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βˆ™ 14y ago

the search for new markets and resources, cultural superiority, and military strength

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

America now thought they had racial supiriority over their new territories.

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