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Q: What are the qualifications required to become an anatomy lecturer?
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I think you have to be an expert at having sex or you just have to know about it.

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To become a sociology lecturer, you typically need at least a master's degree in sociology or a related field. Many positions may require a Ph.D. for tenure-track positions at universities. In addition to education, relevant teaching experience and research publications may also be required.

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For the associates degree, the anatomy and physiology, and the microbiology are required.

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There are a number of different qualifications required in order to become a college recruiter. Typically these qualifications include a Bachelor's degree and experience in marketing and recruitment.

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There several qualifications that are required to become a resident engineer. The academic qualifications entail a Bachelor's degree in civil engineering as well 4 years of experience on the minimum.

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Varies from state to state

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