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To fight the Korean War was an important step to stop communism from spreading. If the United States would not have fought the war, communism would have spred and that was what had to be stopped. The domino effect could have continued to spread when this war was not fought. Cons:

Thousands of American lives were losti n this war in a place that most Americans never even heard about. To many it seemed worthless and there was no reason to fight this war. Why should Americans care about something that is halfway around the world? ---- Today it seems that it was good to fight the Korean War, a war, that many Americans had never heard of, because it stopped communism from spreading.

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15y ago

The pros and cons of war are difficult. One pro is that war can strengthen an economy by providing jobs and stimulating the market, also winning a war can prevent many unwanted things from happening, ie the Allies defeated Hitler and stopped a genocide. The cons include death and destruction. Wars are fought for a number of reason, whether it is because of political tension, resource control, or religious reasons people die, lives are ruined and one side always loses. The pros of a wars very rarely out weight the cons.

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15y ago

1. The war will create civilian casualties. 2. The Iraqi state could disintegrate. 1. The US and the world has a duty to disarm a rogue nation like Iraq. 2. The creation of another nation favorable to US interests in the Middle-East.

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It has been noted that certain gentic traits are more susceptible to macular degeneration. You can find out more online at sites like, or at your local eye specialist.

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