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I like the burgundy red color of the German passport.

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Q: What are the passport colors of foreign passports?
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Should you save old passports?

An old passport will help you get a new or replacement passport should you lose your current one. I save all of mine.

How many Irish passports exist in the world?

someone said 10million!actually there is nearly 50 million Irish passports round the world mainly America and BritainThe answer above is utter nonsense. There are some 6 million people on the island of Ireland. Many of these identify with Britain and have no interest in taking out an Irish passport. Countless others just have never got around to getting a passport, because they don't travel outside the country, or else just go to Britain (no passport needed).So the person who gave the figure of 50 million wants us to believe that there are ten Irish passport holders outside the country for every one in Ireland. What utter baloney!The Irish authorities should have a good feel for this figure (though they are notoriously inefficient in these matters) but I would guess maybe 2 million outside Ireland have an Irish passport. The person who gave the ridiculous figure of 50 million is out by a factor of 25._______________________________________________Wrong, wrong, wrong. There are close to 70 million Irish passports world wide. Any child born to at least one Irish parent gets an Irish passport...and all their children get Irish passports. If one of your grandparents was Irish you get an Irish passport. The united states alone has over 30 million....and yes they do apply to get the passports because they are among the most useful (least restriction for travel)People are getting mixed up between entitlement to an Irish passport and actually holding one. A child born to at least one Irish parent does not get an Irish passport automatically. Passports have to be applied for and expire after a maximum of 10 years. When asked about the number of Irish passports in circulation in 2006, the then Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dermot Ahern told Dáil Éireann (the Irish Parliament) that he could not say how many passports were in circulation but pointed out that between 1996 and 2005 some 4,650,000 passports were issued.Given that many of these passports would now have expired (child passports have a maximum of 3 years). It would suggest that the number of Irish passports in circulation is probably around 3 million and nothing like the fanciful 70 million suggested above.

Do you need a passport to enter Indian Reservations?

No you do not. Passports are for entering other countries. The only way you would need a passport to enter an Indian reservation would be if the reservation was in another country.

What is the difference between an Australian permanent resident and an Australian citizen?

Yes, permanent residents can't get Australian passports.(I'm sorry, but whoever just said 'Yes, permanent residents can't get Australian passports.' is completely WRONG! I am a permanent resident and i have an AUSTRALIAN PASSPORT!whoever typed the last answer (in brackets) is wrong and first response is right. If you've got a passport, you're a cictizen, not a permanent residentumm thts not true because i have an austrlaian passport and it says permanent on my passport not citizen.Reality:Australian Citizens and Dual Citizens get passports. All others get visas.The official conditions statement says:'To be eligible for an Australian passport the Australian Passport Office must be satisfied that you are an Australian citizen, and must confirm your identity.'There were some changes during the 1980s where permanent residents were admitted to citizenship.End of story.

Can you join the foreign legion with out a passport?

I joined the Legion in 1993,at the ame time there was aguy from Holland who turned up to join without a passport,he was shown the door and told to come back with his passport.

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How do Korean immigration officer scanning foreign passports at entrance ports or airport in south Korea?

What is the plural of passport?

The plural of passport is passports.

What is the use of passports?

A passport is a Government issued ID and travel document allowing travel to foreign countries.

Do kenyan passports have a passport book?

A passport is a book

Passports Office?

You can apply for or renew a passport at a passport office. You should bring in the necessary documentation such as a birth certificate or citizenship papers. You will also need to pay a fee in order to receive a passport. If you are in a foreign country, the passport offices are located within your nation's embassy. You can renew your passport at the embassy. If you lose your passport, then you should go to the embassy, and they will help you replace it. The embassy will need a police report for lost/stolen passports.

What does type p mean on a passport?

p stand for personal passport ( regular passports )S stand for service passport ( government employee passport )D stands for diplomatic passport ( government Officials Passports )

Is an official passport the same as a diplomatic or service passport?

No, official passports are the usual adult passport and minor's passport for the ordinary citizen of the country. Diplomatic passport are for diplomats and service passports usually apply for military personnel.

Where is your passport number located?

Your passport number is located on your passports front page at the bottom.

Where is the polish passport number?

There is no such number in Polish passports.

Can you travel on a new passport?

Yes. That's what passports are for.

Who checks the passports at the airport?

the immigration checking the passport.

Can you have a philippine passport and a us passport?

If you are an eligible candidate for the Dual citizenship then Yes, you can have both passports.