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at are the parts of the tawa-tawa plant that can cure dengue fever?

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Q: What are the parts of tawa-tawa plant?
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What is the description of tawatawa?

Tawatawa is a medicinal plant native to the Philippines. It has slender, hairy leaves with serrated edges and produces small yellow flowers. Tawatawa is known for its various health benefits, including its anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties.

What name that give a name in tawatawa herbal plant?

euphorbia hirta

Does tawa tawa plants good for high blood and diabetic person?

Most bitter herbs can be used as diabetic cure. Since tawatawa is non-toxic, one can consider drinking it as tonic supplement. Most diabetics are hypertensive so drinking tawatawa can control high blood pressure.

What parts of the plant are productive?

Plant parts containing storage tissue are productive

Which parts of a plant make most of a plant's food?

The green parts (leaves).

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plant parts

What are the major parts of a plant?

The two major basic parts of plant are Root Shoot

How can you tell a plant is a plant?

a plant has it's main parts roots,stems,leaves.if we see this parts that is called a plant, but if you dont see them then it`s not a plant so watch out for it.

What carries water to all parts of a plant?

The roots takes water to all parts of a plant

What parts of the horehound plant are used for medicinal purposes?

The aerial parts of the plant are used medicinally.

What are the plant parts used for foods?

It depends what Plant.

Which are the growing parts of a plant?

Plant's roots and tips.