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Tens of thousands of bombs were dropped on Japan during World War 2. I'm assuming you are asking about the first Atomic Bomb. The crew of the Enola Gay dropped it. The plane was piloted by Captain Paul Tibbets who passed away last fall.

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16y ago
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14y ago

Bockscar was flown on the day by the crew of another B-29, The Great Artiste, and was commanded by Major Charles W. Sweeney, commander of the 393rd Bomber Squadron of the 509th Composite Group. The Great Artiste was flown by the Bockscar crew in a support role. Kokura was the primary target but when Bockscar arrived at its assembly point off the coast of Japan, the third aircraft of its flight was not present. After waiting 40 minutes to rendezvous, Bockscar and its instrumentation support plane proceeded to Kokura but found it obscured by clouds. Maj. Sweeney had orders to drop the atomic bomb visually, and after conferring with weaponeer and bomb commander Cdr. Frederick Ashworth, flew on to Nagasaki, the secondary target.

The crew were:

Maj Charles W. Sweeney, aircraft commander

Capt Charles Donald Albury, co-pilot

2nd Lt Fred Olivi, regular co-pilot

Capt James van Pelt, navigator

Capt Kermit Beahan, bombardier

Master Sergeant John D. Kuharek, flight engineer

SSgt Ray Gallagher, gunner, assistant flight engineer

SSgt Edward Buckley, radar operator

Sgt Abe Spitzer, radio operator

Sgt Albert Dehart, tail gunner

CDR Frederick L. Ashworth (USN), weaponeer

LT Philip Barnes (USN), assistant weaponeer

2nd Lt Jacob Beser, radar countermeasures

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13y ago

The name of the B-29 bomber that dropped the atomic bomb on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945 is Bockscar. The crew members of Bockscar are as follows:

Major Charles W. Sweeney, aircraft commander

Capt Charles Donald Albury, co-pilot (pilot of Crew C-15)

2nd Lt Fred Olivi, regular co-pilot

Capt James van Pelt, navigator

Capt Kermit Beahan, bombardier

Master Sergeant John D. Kuharek, flight engineer

SSgt Ray Gallagher, gunner, assistant flight engineer

SSgt Edward Buckley, radar operator

Sgt Abe Spitzer, radio operator

Sgt Albert Dehart, tail gunner

The name of the B-29 bomber that dropped the atomic bomb on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945 is Bockscar. The crew members of Bockscar are as follows:

Major Charles W. Sweeney, aircraft commander

Capt Charles Donald Albury, co-pilot (pilot of Crew C-15)

2nd Lt Fred Olivi, regular co-pilot

Capt James van Pelt, navigator

Capt Kermit Beahan, bombardier

Master Sergeant John D. Kuharek, flight engineer

SSgt Ray Gallagher, gunner, assistant flight engineer

SSgt Edward Buckley, radar operator

Sgt Abe Spitzer, radio operator

Sgt Albert Dehart, tail gunner

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11y ago

Colonel Paul Tibbets

Captain Robert Lewis

Captain Theodore Van Kirk

Major Thomas Ferebee

Lieutenant Jacob Beser

Sergeant Joseph Stiborik

Private Richard Nelson

Staff Sergeant Wyatt Duzenbury

Staff Sergeant Robert Caron

Captain Deke Parson

2nd Lieutenant Morris Jeppson

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12y ago

Maj Charles W. Sweeney, aircraft commander

Capt Charles Donald Albury, co-pilot (pilot of Crew C-15) [3]

2nd Lt Fred Olivi, regular co-pilot

Capt James van Pelt, navigator

Capt Kermit Beahan, bombardier

Master Sergeant John D. Kuharek, flight engineer

SSgt Ray Gallagher, gunner, assistant flight engineer

SSgt Edward Buckley, radar operator

Sgt Abe Spitzer, radio operator

Sgt Albert Dehart, tail gunner

Also on board were the following additional mission personnel:

CDR Frederick L. Ashworth (USN), weaponeer

LT Philip Barnes (USN), assistant weaponeer

2nd Lt Jacob Beser, radar countermeasures

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10y ago

The aircraft which was used in both atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was called Enola Gay. The Nagasaki Mission was piloted by Captain George W. Marquardt. The Hiroshima Mission was piloted by Paul Warfield Tibbets, Jr .

For all the list of the crew, see related link

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11y ago

The name of the plane was the "Enola Gay" and the pilot's name was Paul Tibbets .

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Was Thomas W Ferebee the bombardier who dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima for or against the dropping of the A-bomb?

The crew for the first Atomic bombing of Hiroshima was initially pro-bomb, as were the US soldiers everywhere. Men on the ground put taunting messages on the bomb (as if anyone would ever see them!), and the bomb was nicknamed "Little Boy". But in about 43 seconds after releasing the bomb, they saw the mushroom cloud; they soon felt the shockwaves even though they were flying away by then. US soon received reports of the human toll and devastation. Bombing Nagasaki later was the final attempt to cause Japan to submit and surrender. That crew knew what the bomb could do; I doubt any of them enjoyed their task.

Who was the bombardier who dropped the atomic bomb on Nagasaki?

The names of the crew members are basically withheld from the public. The Fat Man bomb was dropped onto Nagasaki by the 393rd Bombardment Squadron Heavy Bombers. The pilot was Major Charles Sweeney. He flew the B-29 bomber called Bockscar. Some of the crew from both planes who delivered the bombs committed suicide therefore some names have been kept classified.___The crew of the Boxcar (the plane that dropped the bomb) were as follows:Crew C-15 (normally assigned to The Great Artiste):Maj Charles W. Sweeney, aircraft commanderCapt Charles Donald Albury, co-pilot (pilot of Crew C-15) [3]2nd Lt Fred Olivi, regular co-pilotCapt James van Pelt, navigatorCapt Kermit Beahan, bombardierMaster Sergeant John D. Kuharek, flight engineerSSgt Ray Gallagher, gunner, assistant flight engineerSSgt Edward Buckley, radar operatorSgt Abe Spitzer, radio operatorSgt Albert Dehart, tail gunnerAlso on board were the following additional mission personnel:CDR Frederick L. Ashworth (USN), weaponeerLT Philip Barnes (USN), assistant weaponeer2nd Lt Jacob Beser, radar countermeasuresThe weapons crew are highlighted. Bombardier Beahan died of cardiac arrest inn 1989 at the age of 70

Where can you find the crew members names of both planes that dropped the atomic bombs on Japan?

wikipedia is a good source

What happened to Hiroshima and Nagasaki after World War 2?

the women had deformed babies and and loss of hair

What year did the boxcar drop the atomic bomb?

August 9, 1945 The B-29 which dropped "fat man" (the second of two fission bombs) on Nagasaki, Japan was named 'Bocks Car', not the often misspelled 'boxcar'. The name was a play on words by the crew; the plane's commander was Captain Fred Bock. Bock did not captain the flight which dropped 'fat man' however, that honor went to Charles Sweeney and his crew. Sweeney's crew and plane, 'the great artiste' was slated to fly the mission, but had been outfitted with observation equipment for the Hiroshima bomb run. The crews switched planes rather than reconfigure them. After the bombing, due to delays in the mission and other factors, Sweeney ran low on fuel and had to land in Okinawa (on fumes) rather than return as planned to Tinian. The first bomb, 'little boy' was dropped on Hiroshima from the 'Enola Gay' on August 6, 1945. - - wrong answer below (and 5500 kilometers would be pretty close to the center of the earth - at 6375KM. I don't think we've figured out how to drill that deep.) ______________________________________________________ The boxcar was actually a different bomb in itself. It was tested at area 51 some 5500 kilometers underground. It was actually felt 155 miles away in Las Vegas where they had to shut down the casino's due to dice rolling while the box car bomb was being tested.

Related questions

Who were the 2 pilots that dropped bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in japan?

Colonel Paul W. Tibbets and his crew of 11, no one knows the co-pilot name.

Was Thomas W Ferebee the bombardier who dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima for or against the dropping of the A-bomb?

The crew for the first Atomic bombing of Hiroshima was initially pro-bomb, as were the US soldiers everywhere. Men on the ground put taunting messages on the bomb (as if anyone would ever see them!), and the bomb was nicknamed "Little Boy". But in about 43 seconds after releasing the bomb, they saw the mushroom cloud; they soon felt the shockwaves even though they were flying away by then. US soon received reports of the human toll and devastation. Bombing Nagasaki later was the final attempt to cause Japan to submit and surrender. That crew knew what the bomb could do; I doubt any of them enjoyed their task.

Who was the Enola Gay ground crew?

I know for a fact that my Grandfather Joseph Bubbico fueled the Enola Gay before it dropped the bomb on Hiroshima. It's not that big of a deal, but I would love for the military to release the names of the whole crew air and ground. Joseph Bubbico fueled the Enola Gay.

Who was the bombardier who dropped the atomic bomb on Nagasaki?

The names of the crew members are basically withheld from the public. The Fat Man bomb was dropped onto Nagasaki by the 393rd Bombardment Squadron Heavy Bombers. The pilot was Major Charles Sweeney. He flew the B-29 bomber called Bockscar. Some of the crew from both planes who delivered the bombs committed suicide therefore some names have been kept classified.___The crew of the Boxcar (the plane that dropped the bomb) were as follows:Crew C-15 (normally assigned to The Great Artiste):Maj Charles W. Sweeney, aircraft commanderCapt Charles Donald Albury, co-pilot (pilot of Crew C-15) [3]2nd Lt Fred Olivi, regular co-pilotCapt James van Pelt, navigatorCapt Kermit Beahan, bombardierMaster Sergeant John D. Kuharek, flight engineerSSgt Ray Gallagher, gunner, assistant flight engineerSSgt Edward Buckley, radar operatorSgt Abe Spitzer, radio operatorSgt Albert Dehart, tail gunnerAlso on board were the following additional mission personnel:CDR Frederick L. Ashworth (USN), weaponeerLT Philip Barnes (USN), assistant weaponeer2nd Lt Jacob Beser, radar countermeasuresThe weapons crew are highlighted. Bombardier Beahan died of cardiac arrest inn 1989 at the age of 70

Where can you find the crew members names of both planes that dropped the atomic bombs on Japan?

wikipedia is a good source

What were the decisions to drop bomb in world war 2?

On August 9th, Nagasaki was bombed. The B-29 Superfortress Bockscar, flown by Major Charles W. Sweeney, carried the nuclear bomb code-named "Fat Man". Actually, Kokura was the primary target, and Nagasaki the secondary. But, due to poor visibility because of cloud cover over Kokura and low fuel, the crew decided to go to Nagasaki.

Who was involved in the bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki?

The US and the crew of USAF.

Did any of the crew of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki commit suicide?


What was the weight of the bomb dropped by the plane near John Simpson and his crew?

500-pound LDGP (Low-drag, general-purpose), Mk 82 bombs with Mk 15 retarding fin.

What happened to Hiroshima and Nagasaki after World War 2?

the women had deformed babies and and loss of hair

What were the 2 choices that president Truman decided on with the atomic bomb?

If you mean the cities, he did not pick them he left them up to his generals from a preselected list of about half a dozen. Nagasaki was a secondary target picked by the flight crew as the primary was clouded over.

How did the Enola Gay get its name?

The Enola Gay was the name of the airplane that dropped the A-bomb on the Japanese mainland to end WW2AnswerCrews often nic named their planes, particularly the big bombers. Thus the Enola Gay. The bomb it carried was the first atomic weapon ever used in combat. It was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan in 1945. The second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki by another crew/plane a few days later. Japan surrendered unconditionally (except for being assured by the USA that they could retain their royal family)quickly thereafter.AnswerEnola Gay was the name of the pilot's mother who dropped the bomb on the Japanese mainland during WWII.