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Jewish Civilization

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Q: What are the most ancient civilizations still around today?
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What are the ancient civilizations of mesopotamia?

The ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia were the Babylonians, Akkadians, and the Assyrians. Today the region of Mesopotamia is known as Iraq.

Is cuneiform still used today?

No, cuneiform is an ancient system of writing that was primarily used by the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia. It is no longer in use today but is studied by scholars for historical and linguistic purposes.

What ancient civilizations most affect US culture today?

There various ancient civilizations that most affect US culture today. Some of them include ancient Greek, ancient Roman, Mayan and so many others.

What is the faith of the ancient Hebrews?

It was called "Judaism" and it is still around today.

What do historians study when attempting to make connections between ancient civilizations and world cultures of today?

Historians study cultural hearths to make connections between ancient civilizations.

How did the ancient Greek leave a lasting legacy still around today?

philosophy and government

How does archaology help us today?

archaology helps us today by showing us the past of ancient civilizations

When did the Egyptian lives?

The Egyptians still live today in 2014. Egypt has been home to centuries of civilizations and are considered one of the most important ancient societies in the world.

Where did the earliest European civilizations develop?

The earliest European civilizations developed in ancient Greece and ancient Rome. These civilizations laid the foundation for Western culture, political systems, and philosophy that continue to influence the world today.

How did ancient civilizations use fireworks?

In ancient China, where fireworks were invented during the 7th century, they were used for celebrations. That tradition carried over to other cultures and is still the main reason for fireworks being used today.

How long did the ancient city of Athens last?

The city state of Athens is still around today.

How are ancient civilizations similar to today's civilization?

In almost all ways: food, sports, entertaiment , society etc