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Rachel Marsh:She is 14 years old and woks for John and Abigail Adams

John Adams: Is a lawyer that works from home and is father of two children and husband of Abigail

Abigail Adams: Is mother of two children and works from home helping her husband and does house hold chores and reds books, and is great friend to Mrs. Mercy Warren Otis

Uncle Eb: Is uncle to Rachel Marsh and only family member left of hers

Dr. Joseph Warren:He married a non-jewish woman named Mary Farrar, and was family doctor to the Adams.

Mrs. Mercy Warren Otis: Is a close friend of Abigail Adams, she reads books and writes plays

John Hancock: was the President of the Second Continental Congress when they signed the Declaration of Independence.

Sam Adams: Hehelped plan the Boston Tea Party, He also was John Adams cousin. He signed the Declaration of Independence. And he died of sickness at the age of 82. He became governor of Massachutess. Then lived peacefully for 6 years before his death. His statue is in Boston.

Henry Knox: He was a Protestant, but spawned Anabaptism and was the first secratary of war.

Jane Washburn: Rachel's best friend but she had to scrafice her friendship because her uncle said he doesn't like her.

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Q: What are the main characters of the book the fifth of march a story of the Boston massacre?
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