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they are called shruikens (shhru-e-cans) but shruikens today are what some people call ninja stars

Its actually called Kunai









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Q: What are the knives from naruto called?
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How do you make the knives on Naruto?

I don't think you can buy them....I don't know where you can find real ones,though...

Are swords very long knives?

Yes, they are very long knives but they are called the World's longest knives.

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A dealer in knives is simply known as a knives dealer. A person who makes knives is known as a knife maker or forger.

What is the fear of knives called?

It is called aichmophobia.Xyrophobia.

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The Naruto movie where Naruto travels back in time is called The Lost Tower.

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Blood squirting trick knives.

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It's called Naruto Shippuuden: Kizuna which means Naruto Hurricane Chronicles: Bonds.

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It's just called "Naruto". The time skip series is called "Naruto Shippuden".

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were you not paying attention? they were called Long Knives. were you not paying attention? they were called Long Knives.

What is the third serie of Naruto called?

There is no third series... only naruto and naruto shippuden