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Crossbows, like all aspects of life, changed considerably during the very long medieval period.

The earliest European crossbows, from about 1066 onwards, had wooden prods (bows) and very simple mechanisms in which the string was drawn back entirely by hand and caught behind a step in the stock; the bolt was inserted in the groove along the top of the stock and the trigger mechanism (also entirely of wood) pushed up a peg which forced the string up from its step, shooting the bolt forward. This type of crossbow was a relatively weak and short-range weapon.

By the late 12th/early 13th centuries crossbows had prods made of composite materials including wood, horn and sinew, producing a much stronger weapon in which the string was drawn back by placing one foot in a stirrup at the front, hooking the string on a belt-mounted hook and straightening up, levering the string into position. Now a rolling drum was used to catch the string; when the trigger was pulled the block was allowed to rotate, releasing the string.

By the 14th century metal prods were being made, giving the weapon much more range and power, but the string now had to be drawn back with a "windlass" or pulley system - making loading a lengthy and difficult process compared with ordinary bows. Crossbowmen were equipped with huge free-standing shields called pavises behind which they could shelter while loading.

So there is no such thing as a "medieval crossbow" - they changed and evolved over time, becoming more powerful but also slower and more complex.

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Eddie Parenti invented the crossbow in 1789ANS2:The inventor's name is probably lost to history. See the link for more crossbow info and the rest of this quote: The History of the Crossbow dates back to 600BC in Ancient China. The Greeks and the Romans were also known to use this weapon. The Medieval crossbow was introduced to England by William the Conqueror in 1066.

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