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Human beings are rational beings. They by virtue of being humans possess certain basic and inalienable rights which are known as Human Rights. Since these rights are available to them by virtue of being humans, as such they come into existence at the time of their birth. The Constitution of India as adopted in 1950 provides certain rights to its citizens known as the Fundametal Rights(Part-3,article 14-35). These rights are similar to those rights which are provided in Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the rights provided in Iternational covenant on civil and political rights and international rights on social, econamic and cultural rights.

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Q: What are the human rights under Indian constitution?
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When citizens move from one state to another state what happens to their rights under the constitution?

their rights remain unchanged

What are the basic civil liberties guaranteed to us by the US Constitution?

In the United States, the US Constitution recognizes the basic human rights granted to its people by God. The Constitution does not "give" its people rights. The US Constitution documents a number of things, such as the way the Federal government operates. Under the US Constitution, the rights already alluded to are written in the part of the Constitution called the Bill of Rights. These rights the Constitution guarantees include important issues such as free speech, freedom of the press and freedom to practice one's religion. The Federal Constitution lays out the ways Federal officials are elected and appointed. When it was ratified in 1793, it was the most progressive document defining a democratic nation that had ever existed.

Why was the bill of rights added to the constitution prior to the radification?

Some states or people (like Virginia's Patrick Henry) thought that the Constitution did not adequately protect individual citizens' rights. Therefore, a Bill of Rights was added so more states would ratify the Constitution, and the American people were afforded more protection than with the Constitution alone. The Bill of Rights added a significant number of rights and privileges not given to citizens under the Constitution alone.

What were the two ideas the Constitution attempted to balance?

States rights versus federal rights , and individual rights for citizens versus protecting all the citizens under the law of the land.

What were states rights?

Under the 10th Amendment, State's Rights are, not were, the idea that any right not written in the Constitution is given to the states. Well, not given to, rather retained by

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What are women rights in Mexico?

Under national and international law, Mexican women have the same rights and responsibilities Mexican men have: These rights are guaranteed through the 1917 Mexican Constitution; also, Mexico is signatory of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Introduction about right against exploitation in India?

Right against exploitation is one of the most virtual fundamental rights given by the Indian constitution. These rights aim at protecting citizen from being subjugated to environment, domestic& work hard. Exploitation takes place when our rights are violated on a metal, physical, marketing or even financial. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS & TAKE PLACE

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How do police protect citizen's rights under the Constitution?

They don't.

What do women do in Mexico?

Under national and international law, Mexican women have the same rights and responsibilities Mexican men have: These rights are guaranteed through the 1917 Mexican Constitution; also, Mexico is signatory of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

What argument did plessy legal team make in plessy v. Ferguson?

making plessy change his seat violated his equal rights under the constitution-apex

What are the advantages of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

The pros of this constitution are that it includes equality rights and fundamental freedoms. People deserve to live under a constitution that recognizes societies needs and rights.

What are the stipulations of The Bill of Rights?

protection against unreasonable search and seizure

Was the Indian Removal act constitutional?

At the time the constitution did not encompass the rights of the indigenous or native people. The concept of the victor taking the spoils while the conquered suffered the consequences was the viewpoint that was expressed. If the concept of the Indian Removal Act is aggravating - read the Sioux Treaty of 1868. In this document it takes away as fast as it gives rights to the Sioux people.

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What right do women not have in Mexico?

Under national and international law, Mexican women have the same rights and responsibilities Mexican men have: These rights are guaranteed through the 1917 Mexican Constitution; also, Mexico is signatory of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Under the fourteenth amendment who is guaranteed the rights listed in the constitution?

# everybody