The phone number of the Jenks Library is: 918-549-7570.
The Boyertown Community Library has the following operating hours:Monday - 10am - 8pmTuesday - 10am - 8pm [Between June 10 and August 17, the hours are from 1pm - 8pm]Wednesday - 10am - 8pmThursday - 10am - 5pmFriday - 10am - 5pmSaturday - 10am - 5pmSunday - Closed
Library hours: Mon - Thu: 10am - 9pmFri - Sat: 10am - 5pmSun: 12pm - 5pm
The address of the Otsego County Library is: 700 South Otsego Avenue, Gaylord, 49735 1723
You can contact Hartford County Public Library by either walking in and talking to the library's staff during business hours or call via phone or check out there website.
The address of the Jenks Library is: 523 West B Street, Jenks, 74037 3713
The phone number of the Jenks Library is: 918-549-7570.
Andrew Jenks is 6'2" :)
Jason Jenks's birth name is Jenks, Jason Justin.
The Orange County Library System Hours are on their web site.
Walter Jenks died in 1935.
Walter Jenks was born in 1864.
Silvester Jenks died in 1714.
Jorian Jenks was born in 1899.
Stephen Jenks died in 1856.
Stephen Jenks was born in 1772.
Edward Jenks died in 1939.