. Allowed the common white male to serve in government
. improved trade with European and south American countries
. earned lots of respect for demanding our right full payment from France
. closed the national banking system
. He only put his friends in government jobs. This was known as the "spoil system".
. He killed many Native Americans.
. He exercised his power in government by ignoring two branches of government.
. He was a slave owner
. He broke campaign promises
ex/ said supported state gov over fed. government then ended up expanding fed gov
Didn't just kill many Native Americans, he was responsible for the Trail of Tears - thousands of Native Americans died because of him.
. In the first inaugural address of Andrew Jackson he said he would observe the Indian's rights which is a consistent habit of our government and the feelings of our people. Then turns around and forces Indians to move west because he found gold in there territory which at the time was Georgia.
He grew up with lots of anger and did some pretty bad things before he squared himself.
• He got into many fights.
Birth Date: March 15, 1767
Death Date: June 18, 1845
Party: Democrat
Birthplace: Log Cabin in North or South Carolina
Father: Andrew Jackson
Mother: Elizabeth Hutchinson
Nickname: Old Hickory
Reason for Nickname: Hickory trees are strong and they stand tall through even the toughest of times
Favorite Foods: Wild Turkey, Partridge, Venison, humans, Cheese, Blackberries,McRib,and Milk
Upper, Middle or LowerClass: Lower
Personality: Hot tempered
Orphaned: At the age of 13
Wife: Rachel Donelson Robards Jackson
Education:Harvard Community College
Religion: Presbyterian
Occupations (Other than President): Military (Major General), Politics (Member of U.S. House of Representatives, 1796-97 United States Senator, 1797-98 Justice on Tennessee Supreme Court, 1798-1804 Governor of the Florida Territory, 1821 United States Senator, 1823-25)
Good= His courage, energy and steadfastness; his impartial justice and utter trustworthiness; that he was calm in the face of danger and dauntless in adversity; that he would sacrifice repose for fame and fame to duty; his thoroughness in deliberation and mastery over his strong passions-these and his other distinguishing characteristics, laudable in themselves, are elevated still further as they are harmonized in the mind and character of Washington. Smart, handsome, military experience, respected, brave, cautious, diplomatic, intellectual, honest, charismatic and a strong leader
Bad= he was not the best of communicators and was a painfully awkward public speaker. And even fewer of us have heard the stories about his legendary hot temper; so much so that one anecdote has a red-faced, screaming Washington stomping on his hat in front of Thomas Jefferson. Another of his qualities, Washington was always said to be a realist when it came to human nature.
no he was a bad president he invented the Indian removal act
The first president to marry a divorced woman was actually Andrew Jackson. However, it depends on how you define divorced. Andrew Jackson had married a woman who had previously had a "frontier divorce." Because the government bureaucracy was much slower in the West, the communities could gather to acknowledge a divorce. This divorce was valid among their community, but was not officially registered with the government. In the eyes of the government, Andrew Jackson married an already-married woman, but the community had agreed that she was divorced. He even fought a duel to defend his good name over the matter.
The Native Americans knew that they were about to be kicked out with Jackson's mindset of putting pioneers and settlers into the Native American land.
something good
Millard Fillmore would be a good guess. He was born in a log cabin, but the guess concerns how many before him. were born in a log cabin. It is rather likely but not certain. that Andrew Jackson was born in a log cabin. Zachary Taylor may also have been born in a log cabin, so he may be second. If neither Jackson not Taylor was in fact born in a log cabin, then Fillmore would be first and James Buchanan would be second.
Andrew Jackson was the first president to excersize his power for a pocket veto.
Andrew Jackson was such an important because be brought government to the people and he knew how to have a good time.
Andrew Jackson was such an important because be brought government to the people and he knew how to have a good time.
Good question. Andrew Jackson's father, Andrew Jackson, died in 1767, a few months before Andrew was born. His mother died before his presidency, so in short, no.
Andrew Jackson was the one. A mentally disturbed house painter fired at Jackson at close range with two different guns but both misfired.
no he was a bad president he invented the Indian removal act
he was a good president and that made up for it
Andrew Jackson was never a Supreme Court justice; he was the seventh President of the United States, from March 4, 1829 until March 4, 1837.
no he was not
I believe it was Andrew Jackson. Check this kid's website ( Good Luck.
Andrew Jackson was not impeached; Andrew Johnson was. When the Radical Republicans were in charge of Congress, they hoped that the South was punished severely, and Johnson talked tough about Reconstruction. Andrew Johnson then proceeded to do exactly opposite of what he had promised, vetoing every act that helped the new freedmen and allowing a swift and extremely lenient reunion for the Southern states. The Radical Republicans were astonished and tried to kick him from the position of President.
andrew jackson