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The Six Principles of the Constitution/Government found in the Constitution of the United States are---Popular Sovereignty; Checks and Balances; Federalism; Limited Power of the Government; Separation of Branches; Judicial Review.

Popular Sovereignty means the ultimate power rests with the people. Checks and Balances means that no one branch of the government can overpower the other branches of government. Each has a check on the power of the other branches. Federalism is the dividing and sharing of power between state and national governments. Limited power means that the government is restricted by the laws and the Constitution and it has to operate within the framework of the laws and Constitution. Separation of Branches divides the government into the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branch, each with its own powers and duties. Judicial Review gives the Judicial Branch the right to declare laws unconstitutional.

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Q: What are the four values of a representative government?
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