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  • Brahmin - Priests and learned people
  • Vaishya - Farmers and merchants
  • Sudra - Peasants and laborers
  • Untouchables - Not even considered human by many; did the worst possible work and were separated from everyone else
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Q: What are the four parts of the Indian caste system?
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What are the four main levels of the caste system?

Hierarchy System or it is called"Varna System'.

Hindu cast system?

The Brahmins were and are priests in the highest social caste. Kshatriyas were and are the second highest level in the social caste system as they included the courageous warriors. The Vaishyas the next level was and is composed of traders and merchants. Lastly, the Sudra included the manual laborers, like the farmers and artisans. Outside of the caste system were the "Untouchables" that were deemed to be lesser than all within a caste.

What is the relationship that exists in Hinduism between the caste system and the divine law?

Hinduism is perhaps the only religion that preaches caste system. In the holy scripture of Hinduism (Bhagvad Gita) it is mentioned that four basic castes of Hindu religion have different works to perform which decides their social standing. The highest placed caste is Brahmin, followed by Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra . The lowest placed Shudras are meant to serve other higher castes.

How did the caste originate in Aryan society?

The origins of the caste system in Aryan society can be traced back to ancient Vedic texts, such as the Rigveda. The Aryan society gradually stratified into four main varnas or social classes based on occupation and hereditary divisions. Over time, this system became more rigid and hierarchical, leading to the development of a complex, birth-based caste system that determined a person's social status and occupation.

Why does the Blackhawks Indian head logo have four feathers?

Their is no real reason that the Blackhawks Indian Head has four feathers.

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How did Vedic religious beliefs shape the organization of Indian society?

The religion divides people into four types, the priestly caste, the warrior caste, the merchant caste, and the worker caste.

What are 5 principles of the caste system?

The caste system in Kerala differed from that found in the rest of India. While the Indian caste system generally modelled the four-fold division of society into Brahmins, Kshatriyas,Vaisyas and Shudras, in Kerala the Nambudiri Brahmins formed the priestly class and only rarely recognized anyone else as being other than Shudra or untouchables outside the caste system entirely. Thus, the Kerala caste system was ritualised but it was not the varnamodel found elsewhere.

What was the lowest level of Indian society?

The lowest level in the traditional Indian caste system was the Dalits, considered to be outside of the four varnas (caste categories) and subjected to social discrimination and marginalization. They were historically known as "untouchables" and faced severe restrictions in terms of social interactions and opportunities.

What social caste is vaishya?

Vaishya is the "Merchant" caste. Shopkeepers, people who buy and sell things (but not their labour) belong in this caste. The four main castes in India are: Brahmin, The Priestly caste Kshatriya, The Warrior caste Vaishya, The Merchant caste Shudra, The Labourer caste

How do you contrast the caste system with a class system?

The caste system is a social hierarchy based on birth and is associated with specific societal roles and limitations, often with little mobility between castes. In contrast, a class system is based on economic factors and allows for more social mobility between different socio-economic groups based on individual achievements and income.

What were the 4 social classes in the idian class system?

The four main social classes in the Indian caste system are Brahmins (priests and scholars), Kshatriyas (warriors and rulers), Vaishyas (farmers and merchants), and Shudras (laborers and service providers). Outcastes, also known as Dalits or untouchables, were historically marginalized and treated as outside the caste system.

What are the four main reason for diversity in Indian society?

i guess this caste systems r totally splitting peple

Four levels of society in religion?

Clergy: Religious leaders who oversee and perform spiritual duties. Worshipers: Individuals who participate in religious practices and ceremonies. Religiously affiliated individuals: Those who identify with a particular religion but may not actively practice. Non-religious individuals: People who do not adhere to any religious beliefs or practices.

Describe the development of the caste system after Aryan times?

A caste system is a social class system or like a pyramid going from the the top the highest caste, and down to the bottom being the lowest caste. One group called the "Untouchables" were not included in the caste system because they did dirty occupations and were poor. In Ayran times, they had divided their society into four occupational classes. By PTA times, many additional castes and subcastes had evolved because invaders were absorbed into Indian society and formed new castes. After the Aryans, major castes numbered in the hundreds, with thousand of minor or local subcastes.

What are the four main levels of the caste system?

Hierarchy System or it is called"Varna System'.

How is India's caste system different from the Aryan social class system?

India's caste system is a complex social hierarchy based on birth, with individuals belonging to specific hereditary social categories, whereas the Aryan social class system was a simpler division into four main groups - Brahmins (priests), Kshatriyas (warriors), Vaishyas (merchants), and Shudras (laborers). The caste system in India is more rigid and stratified compared to the Aryan social class system.

Who is Sudra?

Sudra is one of the four social classes in traditional Indian society, known as Varnas. The Sudras are traditionally associated with manual labor and service occupations. They form the fourth and lowest varna in the caste system.