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The gravity of the moon and the gravity of the sun.

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Q: What are the factors that effects the tide?
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Related questions

What are the effects of the movement of the moon?

The effects are the moon phases, eclipses, and the high tide and low tide.

What are the effects of the movement of earth?

The effects are the moon phases, eclipses, and the high tide and low tide.

What are the effects of the earth and moon's movements?

The effects are the moon phases, eclipses, and the high tide and low tide.

What effects tide more the sun or the moon?

The Moon.

Causes and effects of red tide?

The tide is red from toxins, which are very harmful to all kinds of marine life.

When the effects of the moon and the sun works together this is what kind of tide?

It's a huge tide. It's called a "spring tide". "Spring" does not mean the season called spring, in this case.

What type of tide causes a weak pull because the effects of the sun and moon are cancelled out?

It's called a 'neap' tide. When the sun & moon work together - it's called a 'spring' tide.

What are the effects of tides in your health?

it can cause death in your health cause the tide is dangerous

Why is the cycle of the moon important?

The cycle of the moon is important for various reasons: It helps regulate tides on Earth due to the gravitational pull. Many cultures use the lunar cycle for religious, agricultural, and societal purposes. It can influence animal behavior, crop planting, and human moods.

What are some abiotic factors found on the beach?

Tide, salinity, sun, cloudy, temperature, can all be abiotic factors

What is red tide its causes and effects?

Seawater that is discoloured by large numbers of certain dinoflagellates that produce saxitoxin. I don't know the effects.

What is tide direction?

Tide direction refers to the movement or flow of water caused by the changing tide. It can be incoming (flood tide) when water is rising towards the shore, or outgoing (ebb tide) when water is receding away from the shore. The direction of the tide is influenced by various factors such as the gravitational pull of the moon and sun, wind patterns, and the shape of the coastline.