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Thank god for domestic violence in the African American community. It keeps them from voting, makes them so crazy that they spend their whole lives chasing crack rocks and 22 inch rims, and helps create division in their already pathetic pseudo familial units so they stay on welfare and out of the good parts of town.

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Q: What are the effects of domestic violence on the African American community?
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What are the domestic violence statistics among African American families?

African American families have a higher rate of domestic violence, 57% is the national average. however it must be noted that this is by cause and effect. The African American is among the lowest income group and statistics show that those in the poverty level of income are more apt to commit domestic violence, ergo the more people in the group the more chances for domestic violence.

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Domestic violence statistics are higher with women of color. African American females experience domestic abuse 35% more often than white females. 48% of Latina females reported increased domestic violence after immigrating to the US.

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I think this is a both a sensitive and complicated question I hope to give due justice to. First I'd like to state that domestic violence, emotional and physic should always be fought against and be unacceptable as a way to interact between any parties or as a way to treat another person. Second, the question can be re-framed to ask, "How and does the historic legacy of slavery effect the opinion of domestic violence in African American Households". This is where the complication lies. Unfortunately I do not have the answer, but I do have more questions which I believe are important to answering the first. My first question is: In the domestic African American community, and other regional communities that are descended from slave communities, more accepting of domestic violence? The next question, predicated on a positive answer: Did the brutality African American men who were enslaved by whites transfer the abuse to their domestic partnerships? These are just two thoughts...

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Harlem was established as an African American community by the first govenor. just kidding i know nothing about this question. sorry

What problems did returning African American face after World War 1?

Lynching and the KKK violence

Which African American journalist campaigned against mob violence aimed at African Americans?

Ida B. Wells

What African American journalist campiagned against mob violence aimed at African Americans?

ida b wells

Do I qualify for any grants im young African American and a single mother I was also recently a victim of domestic violence?

if you go to college yes, since the domestic case you might be eligable for disability you need to get info, google your question for more results. Good luck