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Side scan sonar uses sonar to map the the ground below by emitting continuous sonar pulses while moving. The sound continuously reflects back to the system's receiver, which creates an image based on the energy of the signal received, where darker points in the image match things protruding from the ground and lighter spots indicate where there is nothing. It does not measure the depth. Side scan sonar is usually towed behind the vessel using it. Multibeam sonar is similar to side scan sonar, except that it is attached to the vessel (rather than being towed) and measures the time difference between sound emission and reception, rather than the energy of the incoming sound waves. Thus, it measures depth instead of making a picture.

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A device commonly used to locate objects underwater is a sonar system, such as a side-scan sonar or a multibeam sonar. These devices emit sound waves into the water and then receive the echoes bouncing back from objects underwater, creating a detailed image of the seafloor or any objects present.

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What is side scan sonar used for?

Side scan sonar is used for underwater mapping and imaging. It sends acoustic signals to the seafloor and then records the echoes, creating detailed images of the underwater terrain and objects. This technology is commonly used in marine archaeology, search and rescue operations, and underwater surveillance.

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When you scan a document it puts a copy into the computer attached to the scanner or the memory of the scanner. But copying is a one time shot and you can not retrieve a copy of what you put through again.

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Yes, he did take a sonar scan of the loch ness monster.

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Jonathan Milton Berkson has written: 'A side-scan sonar investigation of small-scale features on the floor of southern Lake Michigan' -- subject(s): Sonar, Hydrographic surveying

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How many different sonar systems are there?

There are various sonar systems available, each with unique features and applications. Some common types include single-beam, multi-beam, side-scan, and synthetic aperture sonar systems. These systems are tailored for specific purposes such as navigation, bathymetry, underwater mapping, and object detection.

What is side scan sonar?

a sonar system that is used to efficiently create an image of large areas of the sea floor. it emits conical or fan-shaped pulses down toward the seafloor across a wide angle perpendicular to the path of the sensor through the water.

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