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Filipino scientist Gregorio Y. Zara (D.Sc. Physics) invented, made improvements to, or discovered the following:

  • invented the two-way television telephone or videophone (1955) patented as a photo phone signal separator network"
  • discovered the physical law of electrical kinetic resistance called the Zara effect around 1930)
  • invented an airplane engine that ran on plain alcohol as fuel (1952)
  • improved methods of producing solar energy including creating new designs for a solar water heater (SolarSorber), a sun stove, and a solar battery (1960s)
  • invented a propeller-cutting machine (1952)
  • designed a microscope with a collapsible stage
  • helped design the robot Marex X-10
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Q: What are the contributions of Gregorio Y Zara?
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Who are the parents of Gregorio Y Zara?

Gregorio Y. Zara's parents were Dr. Francisco Zara and Maria Yamson.

What is the contribution of Gregorio Y. Zara in the field of the chemistry?

Gregorio Y. Zara made significant contributions in the field of physics, particularly in the development of the two-way television telephone and the lunar heat probe. While he was not primarily known for his work in chemistry, his achievements in physics have left a lasting impact on scientific innovation and technology.

When did Gregorio Y Zara born?

Gregorio Y Zara was a famous Filipino scientist and inventor. He was born On March 8, 1902 and died on October 15, 1978.

What are the contributions of gregorio zara?

ako nagtanong tapos ako sasagot galing!

When did Gregorio Y. Zara die?

October 15, 1978.

What are the contributions of Gregorio Y Zara in physics?

Gregorio Y Zara was a Filipino physicist known for his work in the field of aeronautics and electromagnetism. He invented the two-way television telephone and made significant contributions to the development of the lunar heat probe, atmospheric electricity research, and microwave radar. Zara's work helped advance the fields of physics and technology, particularly in telecommunications and remote sensing applications.

Gregorio y zara and contribution?

ako nagtatanong tapos ako sasagot

What was invented by Gregorio Y. Zara?

He was the inventor of the first two-way videophone

What is the character traits of gregorio zara?

Gregorio Zara was known for his intelligence, creativity, and passion for science. He was a dedicated researcher, inventor, and educator who made significant contributions to the fields of physics and engineering in the Philippines. Zara was innovative, curious, and determined in his pursuit of knowledge and technological advancement.

Give the contribution of gregorio zara?

Gregorio Y. Zara is the patented inventor of at least 30 devices, mostly in the field of aviation. His most famous one was the first two-way videophone.

When did gregoria zara die?

The renowned Filipino scientist and engineer Gregorio Y Zara was born on March 8th, 1902 and died on October 15th, 1978.

Who did gregorio zara marry?

Gregorio Zara married Lina Flor. They had three children together.