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First, it is worth noting that there is no conflict, since a conflict requires two parties who are both trying to achieve contrary objectives and resorting to fighting in kind (oral vs. oral, militant vs. militant, etc.). As the Jews were not able to bring any such force to bear against the Gentiles, there can be no conflict, only subjugation or emancipation. The negative interactions between Jews and Gentiles are numerous throughout history. Most arise from cultural differences, real or perceived. The Gentiles have sought to extinguish the Jews many times.

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For some 4-5 centuries, the Romans exercised an increasingly tight grip on the Holy Land, with crushing taxation and, occasionally, harsh anti-Torah decrees. During that time, there were some instances of Jewish revolt; most famously that of the Zealots (about 1946 years ago) and that of Bar Kokhba (about 1877 years ago).

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Q: What are the conflicts between the Jews and the Gentiles?
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