

Best Answer

blacksmith cooper silversmith whitesmith shoemaker the tanner the hatterthe wheelwright etc.

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Q: What are the colonial trades?
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When did colonial trades originate?

Colonial trades originated when the Pilgrims came over on the Mayflower to the New World. They set up camps to trade for items needed to sustain life here.

What did a colonial merchant do?

A merchant looks like a middle class person who trades with a robe.

What was traded in colonial New Jersey?

sorry this isn't an answer but I'm doing a project for school and i need an answer any1 have any idea 4 any trades @ all?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Southeast Asia first rose to prominence because?

Southeast Asia became important in the world for many reasons. The first of these reasons was the spice trades of the colonial times.

What is the job of an artisan in colonial times?

Artisans would craft anything from wood furniture to utensils to decorations. It all depened on their trade. some trades were coblars, blacksmiths, carpenters, silversmiths, and goldsmiths.

Related questions

What force gave rise to colonial cities?

trades, expansion trades

When did colonial trades originate?

Colonial trades originated when the Pilgrims came over on the Mayflower to the New World. They set up camps to trade for items needed to sustain life here.

Who does America trade?

America trades from the British colonial secs in the cultural diffusion

Trades and skills in Massachusetts during colonial times?

Oh, dude, back in colonial Massachusetts, trades and skills were like totally a thing. You had your blacksmiths pounding away at metal, your carpenters building stuff, and your shoemakers cobbling shoes. It was like a real-life version of "The Sims," but with more powdered wigs and less computer crashes.

What did a colonial merchant do?

A merchant looks like a middle class person who trades with a robe.

What trades in colonial times depended on blacksmiths?

All trades depended on the blacksmith. One surprising trade that depended on the blacksmith is the milliner, but the milliner needed a manikin and a post to stabilize the manikin. That came from the blacksmith!

What are some words used by colonial people?

jerkin petticoat parliment enumerated articles staple crops and triangle trades

What are some colonial trades?

farming, fishing, the slave trade, blacksmiths, and then the are the sailors the bring people from Eroupe to America. What else could they do????

What was Connecticut colonial?

== == Colonial time Connecticut was very poor to begin with, but soon the tobacco help the colony expand and become prosperous. The trades were farming, metal work, and merchant goods. The colony was dependent on trade.

What was colonial Connecticut like?

== == Colonial time Connecticut was very poor to begin with, but soon the tobacco help the colony expand and become prosperous. The trades were farming, metal work, and merchant goods. The colony was dependent on trade.

What was traded in colonial New Jersey?

sorry this isn't an answer but I'm doing a project for school and i need an answer any1 have any idea 4 any trades @ all?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Southeast Asia first rose to prominence because?

Southeast Asia became important in the world for many reasons. The first of these reasons was the spice trades of the colonial times.