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In a nutshell, wealth. But also geopolitical advantage (lands from which to mount military defense or offensives). And finally and most interestingly the cultural attitudes, arts, etc of the conquered tend to have a positive effect on their conqueror.

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Q: What are the benefits of imperialism to the colonizer?
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What are benefits of european imperialism?

Some of the benefits of European imperialism in Africa and Asia is that they created road systems for efficent travel, it introduced the world to new foods, spices and languages, and new species of animals and plants were discovered.

How can you use the word colonizer in a sentence?

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tuuu you

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The indigenous people of an area are given national and international rights based on their ties to a specific area. A colonizer is a person or group of people establishing a colony on a land. The colonizer does not get the same rights that the indigenous people are granted through national and international rights.

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Germany was a colonizer during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, establishing colonies in Africa and the Pacific.

What does the medical term colonizer mean?

A colonizer is a bacteria that lives on or in a person, but does not cause disease. For example, some people are colonized with staph aureus in the nares (nasal passages) but this colonization does not cause disease. In this context, staph aureus is a colonizer.

What does elephant symbolises in Shooting An Elephant?

In "Shooting an Elephant," the elephant symbolizes the power dynamics between the colonizers and the colonized. The decision to shoot the elephant represents the internal conflict faced by the narrator in upholding the oppressive system of imperialism. Ultimately, the elephant's death highlights the destructive nature of imperialism for both the colonizer and the colonized.