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Not being activated and deployed was a big benefit.

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Q: What are the benefits for national guards that served during the Vietnam War but not activated?
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What is a conclusion i can for an essay about the Vietnam war?

How about: "What values or benefits can be placed on the 58,000 plus American lives lost during the Vietnam war?" or "The protests by young people during the Vietnam War successfully changed U.S. Foreign Policy and ended the war."

Were reserves in the Vietnam war?

During the cold war, the activation of reserves was considered an "indicator." If the Soviets caught wind of it (and they would), then they would counter it with a mobilization of their own. Thusly, mobilizations were conducted with extreme caution. 4 Air National Guard Squadrons were activated, deployed, and conducted combat operations in Vietnam: Colorado, New Mexico, Iowa, and New York Air Guards; each equipped with F-100 Super-Sabre jet fighter bombers. These Air National Guard Squadrons flew over 30,000 combat sorties during their one year tour in Vietnam. In addition, the New Hampshire Army National Guard sent their 3/197th Field Artillery to Vietnam, and Kentucky sent their 2/138th Field Artillery.

Treatment of the south Vietnam by Diem during the Vietnam war?

Diem was reportedly extremely anti-communist, and any national (citizen) showing communist trends was stomped out quickly.

When was conscription used in Australia during the Vietnam War?

Conscription was introduced in Australia by the Holt Government due to the National Service Act passed in 1964. This continued until 1971 when Australia pulled out of the Vietnam War.

Sgli during Vietnam?

Is this that insurance for when a servicemen was killed in the line of duty? If so, it was about $15,000 per man during the Viet War.

Related questions

Can I get benefits as a National Guardsman during the Vietnam War?

That depends how long you served and the type of discharge you received. If you are seeking veterans benefits with less than 180 active days of continous service , not likely.

What medals did William Michael Coomes receive during his time in the Vietnam War?

purple heart, good conduct, national defense, Vietnam service, Vietnam campaign

What is a conclusion i can for an essay about the Vietnam war?

How about: "What values or benefits can be placed on the 58,000 plus American lives lost during the Vietnam war?" or "The protests by young people during the Vietnam War successfully changed U.S. Foreign Policy and ended the war."

Were reserves in the Vietnam war?

During the cold war, the activation of reserves was considered an "indicator." If the Soviets caught wind of it (and they would), then they would counter it with a mobilization of their own. Thusly, mobilizations were conducted with extreme caution. 4 Air National Guard Squadrons were activated, deployed, and conducted combat operations in Vietnam: Colorado, New Mexico, Iowa, and New York Air Guards; each equipped with F-100 Super-Sabre jet fighter bombers. These Air National Guard Squadrons flew over 30,000 combat sorties during their one year tour in Vietnam. In addition, the New Hampshire Army National Guard sent their 3/197th Field Artillery to Vietnam, and Kentucky sent their 2/138th Field Artillery.

Besides Kent State where did national guardsmen kill protesters during the Vietnam War?

Jackson State

Can threating roar be activated during battle phase?

Yes, it can be activated during your opponents battle phase.

Why is there a monument for the Vietnam War?

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is a National War Memorial honoring the members of the US Armed Forces who died or are unaccounted for during the Vietnam War. It is not a monument to the Vietnam War. It is a monument to people that gave their lives serving their country.

Can a member of the NY National Guard during Vietnam era qualify for Legion membership?

American Legion, yes.

Treatment of the south Vietnam by Diem during the Vietnam war?

Diem was reportedly extremely anti-communist, and any national (citizen) showing communist trends was stomped out quickly.

AVRN South Vietnam what do the initials mean?

It is actually ARVN meaning Army of the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War.It is actually ARVN meaning Army of the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War.It is actually ARVN meaning Army of the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War.It is actually ARVN meaning Army of the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War.It is actually ARVN meaning Army of the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War.It is actually ARVN meaning Army of the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War.

What event took place at Kent state during the Vietnam War?

college students were protesting and were shot at by the national guard.

Who lived in Vietnam during the Vietnam war?

Q who was the victor of the Vietnam war? A I have no idea who won the Vietnam war!!!!