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Unicameral is one house deciding its bills Nebraska state government is an example of an unicameral. Bills get through faster as no endless debate but fillibusters are common. Bills can be passed with simple majority yet one sided issues can be darlings and passed without discussion or recomendation of one house or another

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15y ago

Advantages of unicameral legislature (disadvantages of bicameral legislature) (1) There is no reason for people to vote for representatives to two separate houses, both on the basis of population. The concept of "one person, one vote" has negated the original intent of having each house elected on a different basis; (2) The unicameral form simplifies bill passage. The process is more direct since the conference committee is eliminated. Bills are more subject to scrutiny by legislators and the public; (3) Lobbyists are less influential in the unicameral legislature because the lawmaking process is more public; (4) In a unicameral system, it is easier to achieve cooperation between executive and legislative branches; (5) A unicameral system is more economical; (6) A unicameral system provides greater responsibility to legislators; and (7) Legislators are more accountable to the public and their constituency because their position is a matter of public record and they are not able to urge opposite positions within the other house. Advantages of Bicameral Legislature (Disadvantages of Unicameal Legislature) (1) A bicameral legislature provides for more careful and deliberate consideration of legislation. Action of the two houses required for passage prevents bills from being quickly passed under the sway of emotion; (2) Many of the charges of shifting responsibility are exaggerated and ill-founded. A legislator who continually fails to accept responsibility would not be reelected; (3) Objectionable lobbying is not the major problem in the bicameral legislature that it is often assumed to be. Lobbyists can more easily promote desired legislation where control is needed in only one house; (4) Although bicameral state legislatures are not perfect, it would be easier to correct their flaws than to change their structure; and (5) Further consideration of legislation by another duly-elected body would assure more thoughtful action in passing bills. Posted by: Edwin Chinel Monares Source:

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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of a unicameral legislature?
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Do Most states have a unicameral legislature.?

No, most US states have a bicameral legislature, with two legislative bodies/chambers. A unicameral legislature has a single body/chamber. Nebraska switched to a unicameral legislature in 1934 and is the only US state to currently have a unicameral legislature.

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unicameral A one house legislature is a unicameral. A two house legislature is a bicameral.

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No, only Nebraska has a Unicameral legislature.

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What are the advantages of unicameral system?

Advantages: 1) Proposed legislation can be enacted more rapidly, since bills don't have to be reconciled by two chambers. 2)Since only one body is responsible for legislation, there is greater transpearancy and accountability 3)It's easier and cheaper to maintain a legislature with only one chamber and thus fewer representatives. Disadvantages: 1) A smaller legislature means a weaker power check on the executive. 2) Without the check and balance that a second chamber would provide, a unicameral legislature often has difficulty hindering the passage of flawed legislation 3) A unicameral legislature doesn't effectivly accomodate the vast and diverse constituancies that a large nation has, thus unicameral systems are typically only found in smaller and more culturally homogenous nations. it rulez

Does Nebraska have a unicameral legislature?


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Colorado is not a unicameral state. Only Nebraska is.

Does the US have a unicameral legislature?

No, it has a bicameral legislature: the House of Representatives, and the Senate.

The only state in the union without a bicameral legislature is?

Nebraska has a unicameral legislature with 49 members. Nebraska previously had a bicameral legislature up until 1936 but due to problems a unicameral legislature was created.

What state is only currently to have a unicameral?

Nebraska Legislature is the only state that currently has a unicameral?