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Define large farm

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Q: What are the advantage of having large scale farms?
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What would be an example of a large-scale agrobusiness of the late 19th Century?

Bonanza Farms Bonanza Farms.

What is the name for large scale cattle farming?

It depends on whether the "large scale" farming is intensive or extensive. If the former, then it would be known as a Confined Animal Feeding Operation (known by those who oppose such operations as "factory farms"), typical of large scale dairy farms and feedlots. Extensively, it would be known as a ranch or station, as that in Australia.

How large are most fur-bearing animal farms?

The majority of fur-bearing animal farms are small-scale operations that earn less than $250,000.

What is an agribusinessman?

An agribusinessman is a businessman involved in agribusiness, agricultural business such as owning large-scale farms or catering to those who do.

How many farms are they in Kenya?

There are approximately 7 million farms in Kenya, with the majority being small-scale family farms. Agriculture is a key sector of the Kenyan economy, providing employment and income for a significant portion of the population.

What is an agribusiness?

An agribusiness is any big business connected to agriculture, such as owning or operating large-scale farms, or catering to those who do.

How would a map scale that covers a large distance differ from a map scale that covers a small distance?

A small scale map covers a large area, but with less detail due to lack of space on the map. A large scale map covers a smaller area, but in much more detail. A small scale map may show the whole of the UK motorway system, and major roads. A large scale map may show the details of farms, villages, and physical features in great detail.

What has the author Herbert Bergmann written?

Herbert Bergmann has written: 'The impacts of large-scale farms on development in Iran' -- subject(s): Agriculture, Economic aspects of Agriculture, Land reform, Large Farms 'Modernisierung durch Genossenschaften' -- subject(s): Cooperative Agriculture, Cooperative societies

Wealthy farmers set up large farms called?

agribusinesses to increase efficiency and maximize profits by utilizing modern technologies and economies of scale.

Why are smaller farms closing down?

Economies of scale

What is a large company's ability to take advantage of economies of scale?

The company can offer goods more cheaply than smaller retailers

Which of the following best explains why large companies have an advantage over smallercompanies?

Economics of scale make it possible to offer lower prices