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some achevments were erning the rights to vote and to be treated equally and vote for who thay want to be president.

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Q: What are the achievements and failures of some of the various civil rights movements since 1945?
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What objectives did the civil rights movement fail to achieve?

The Civil Rights Movement had some failures or partial failures in some of its objectives, including economic discrimination and poverty, although laws were passed. Some schools were integrated, but the neighborhoods were not.

Why is Dr. king's birthday a Holiday?

He symbolizes a breakthrough in the Civil Rights movements for African Americans. He was a great leader in the Civil Rights movements.

How have individual rights changed over the time?

Individual rights have evolved over time through various movements and changes in laws. For example, the abolition of slavery, the suffrage movement, civil rights movement, and LGBTQ+ rights movement have all expanded individual rights. Additionally, advancements in technology have raised new issues such as privacy rights.

Which statement is true about the feminists and gay rights?

Which statement is true? *Feminism and gay rights were political and social movements. (was the right answer for me on apx)

What are Malcolm X's achievements?

he lead the civil rights movement

the civil rights movements ?

Mass movements in the United States that tried to establish equal rights for members of minority groups and women. The earliest, the African American civil rights movement, began in the 1950s.

What launched the civil rights movements?

Rosa Parks

Nelson Mandela achievements?

Becoming president by far wqas one of his biggest achievements.

Trace the achievements and setbacks of the Civil Rights movement after 1932?
