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America and Japanese brought us Sarswela, Danza, Balse, symphonic band, Philippine Constabulary band, and Musiko Bumbung.

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TAnong Mo Sa Nanay Mo .. :)

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Q: What are the Philippine music during the Japanese time?
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What was Philippine music like during early times?

the function of music during the early time, was amusement of the people..

How did the Philippine Japanese war end?

The only time they fought in the PI was during WWII. So it ended when WWII ended in September 1945 (aboard the battleship USS Missouri).

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The amount of time it will take a Japanese child to get a Philippine visa will vary. Processing times can range anywhere from several weeks to several months depending on the caseloads.

What is Philippine literature in Japanese invasion?

During the Japanese invasion of the Philippines in World War II, Philippine literature reflected the struggles and experiences of the Filipino people under Japanese rule. Writers at the time produced works that expressed resistance, resilience, and patriotism, often drawing on themes of nationalism and heroism in the face of oppression. Some important literary works emerged during this period, highlighting the hope and spirit of the Filipino people in the midst of adversity.

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philippine in ancient time ?

Was there music during your ancestors time?

Yes there was music during the ancestors time. But the music is produced by their own bare hands on handmade instruments.

How many ships Japanese aircraft carriers were present during the attack?

The Japanese had 10 classes of carriers during the time

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200 years old was the best music during that time

When and where was carlos romulo's the filipino challenge speech delivered?

Carlos Romulo's "The Filipino Challenge" speech was delivered on June 12, 1943, at the Philippine Normal School in Manila, Philippines during the Japanese occupation of the country.

When was Japan attack Philippine?

The Japanese first attacked the Philippines, a few hours after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, on December 8, 1941 (Philippines time).

Is it true that the central government in the Philippine during the Spanish time was vested on the?

no it your mum smells of poo

Was there no music during our ancestors' time?

Makind has been making and enjoying music since the dawn of time.