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The Lusitania was a cruise ship full of Americans that was accidentally sunk by the Germans in WW1, and was the main cause of American involvement in WW1. When Germany helped to keep the U.S. out of the war by eventually promising not to sink any more passenger ships, but then Germany violated that by sinking unarmed French passenger ship Sussex. Then again Germany declared and promised not to sink unarmed ships, the promise was called Sussex Pledge.

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Q: What are the Lusitania and the Sussex?
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Which overt acts caused the US to enter World War 1 in 1917?

the sinking of the ship The Lusitania and the breaking of the Sussex pledge.

British ship sunk by germans ww1?

There were quite a few British liners sunk by German U-Boats during WWI, but I suspect the answer you seek is the most famous one. This was the Lusitania, sunk in May 1915 off the coast of Ireland by U-20, with the loss of more than 1500 lives, including 128 Americans.

After the lusitania Arabic and Sussex sinkings Wilson successfully pressured the German government to?

the Germans said they would cease destroying mechant and passenger ships without warning

How did the Sussex pledge affect relations between the United states and Germany?

The Sussex Pledge was a promise made by German to the United States in 1916. It was broken 3 days after when the a German U-boat sank the American cruise ship, Lusitania. This led to the involvement of the U.S. in World War 1.

French passenger ship that was torpedoed by a German submarine in March 1916?

R.M.S. Lusitania of the Cunard line. She was not a sister ship of the Titanic and the two ships were quite different mechanically the Lusitania was from-start Turbine driven, the Titanic was mixed reciprocating with a waste heat turbine for extra power. The Lusitania was older, having been built in l907. At the time the Cunard and White Star shipping companies were two separate firms- they later merged. Oh, yes the Lusitania incident occured in l9l5, not l9l7 ./ it did accelerate Us involvement in the War.

Why were Americans angry over the sinking of the british passenger liner lusitania?

The RMS Lusitania

Who is the lady of sussex?

lady of sussex

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Where is the Sussex-Wantage Branch in Sussex located?

The address of the Sussex-Wantage Branch is: 69 Route 639, Sussex, 07461 2301

What rhymes with Sussex?

Sussex rhymes with buttox

What did Romans call portrugal?

They called it Hispania Lusitania or Lusitania.

What is the significance cance of lusitania?

Lusitania was the Roman name for Portugal.