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Freedom to express your opinion and religion.

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4y ago

religion, speech, press, petition, and assembly.

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Q: What are the Five freedoms protected by first amendment?
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How many Americans know the five freedoms protected be the First Amendment?


What are the five freedoms protected in the first amendment?

The five freedoms are freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, and freedom of petition.

5 rights and freedoms protected in the amendments to the Constitution.?

The first amendment protects the five rights of speech, religion, press, assembly and petition.

How can you exercise the rights of the five freedoms of the first amendment?

We exercise first amendment freedoms whenever we express our opinions or religious beliefs.

What are the five freedoms in the first amendment of the Bill of Rights?

The first Amendment grants the freedoms of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition.

What are the five rights or freedoms form the First Amendment?

The five rights are Speech, Press, Religion, Petition, and Assembly.

What amendment protects multiple freedoms?

I'm not for sure but what i do know is DO YOUR HOMEWORK

What was the law that made it illegal to speak against the governmen?

Nothing it is legal to this day because of the five freedoms in the first amendment

What amendment contains the five basic freedoms associated with the American way of life and all that most hold dear as US citizens?

The First Amendment contains the five basic freedoms associated with the American way of life and all that most hold dear as a US citizen.

Which amendment protects five basic freedoms for every person?


What are the three types of speech protected by the first amendment?

The 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution enumerates five forms of protected speech. Among these are the right to petition, assemble and the press.

What are the five basic freedoms listed under the 1st amendment to the Constitution?
