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separation of power

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Q: What are the Disadvantages of not having a judicial or executive branch?
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Define executive order?

A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.

What is the practice of having treaties negotiated by the executive branch and then submitted to the senate for its consent?

The answer is the legislative branch can approve treaties to settle argument that are unconstitutional. Hope it helped!

Why did the men who wrote the constitution provide for federal judges to be appointed by the president for terms of life?

To separate the dependency of the judicial branch from the executive branch. Separation of Powers dictates that the branches cannot be independent of one another or else they can sabotage each other and thusly destroy the government of the nation. Having a federal judge with a life term allows for them to not be worried about reelection and also to have a stable means of judging federal court cases.

How does the system of checks and balances work in the United States?

The three branches of government each have a distinct role that relies on the other branches of government to be effective -- as a result no single branch can marginalize the others. Each branch also has unique powers that allow it to check the other branches (for instance, the judicial branch is made up of judges and justices that are nominated by the President and then confirmed or rejected by the Senate). Take a look at the linked chart. It has a lot more examples.

Which branch of government is in charge of having money printed?

The Executive branch. The Treasury Department is one of the members of the Executive Branch. Its Internal Revenue Service (IRS) collects taxes, and other divisions print money and mint coins, collect duties on goods imported from abroad, and regulate alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. Coins are produced by the United States Mint, while paper money is produced by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

Related questions

How the legislative check the power of of executive and judicial branch?

The judicial branch has powers to interpret laws, or regulations or other actions of the executive branch, or to declare them unconstitutional. It serves as a "check" on the executive by having the power to interpret the law differently than the executive, and having that interpretation supercede the interpretation of the executive branch. In addition, the judicial branch resolves disputes between the executive branch and citizens or businesses, providing a "check" on any excesses of the executive branch.

How can the executive branch check the powers of the judicial and legislative branches?

The judicial branch has powers to interpret laws, or regulations or other actions of the executive branch, or to declare them unconstitutional. It serves as a "check" on the executive by having the power to interpret the law differently than the executive, and having that interpretation supercede the interpretation of the executive branch. In addition, the judicial branch resolves disputes between the executive branch and citizens or businesses, providing a "check" on any excesses of the executive branch.

How can the judicial branch check the powers of the legislative and executive branches?

The judicial branch has powers to interpret laws, or regulations or other actions of the executive branch, or to declare them unconstitutional. It serves as a "check" on the executive by having the power to interpret the law differently than the executive, and having that interpretation supercede the interpretation of the executive branch. In addition, the judicial branch resolves disputes between the executive branch and citizens or businesses, providing a "check" on any excesses of the executive branch.

How can the judicial branch check the powers of executive and legislative branches?

The judicial branch has powers to interpret laws, or regulations or other actions of the executive branch, or to declare them unconstitutional. It serves as a "check" on the executive by having the power to interpret the law differently than the executive, and having that interpretation supercede the interpretation of the executive branch. In addition, the judicial branch resolves disputes between the executive branch and citizens or businesses, providing a "check" on any excesses of the executive branch.

How can the judicial check the powers of the legislative and executive branches?

The judicial branch has powers to interpret laws, or regulations or other actions of the executive branch, or to declare them unconstitutional. It serves as a "check" on the executive by having the power to interpret the law differently than the executive, and having that interpretation supercede the interpretation of the executive branch. In addition, the judicial branch resolves disputes between the executive branch and citizens or businesses, providing a "check" on any excesses of the executive branch.

What two branches are checked by the legislative branch?

The legislative branch checks the executive branch by overseeing the implementation of laws and approving presidential appointments. It also checks the judicial branch by confirming judicial appointments and having the power to impeach federal judges.

How was power distributed in most states after the revolutionary war?

By the Legislative branch having the most power, then the Executive, then the Judicial.

Can the legislative branch check on th executive and judicial branches of government?

Yes, all of the branches can check the other two branches. The legislative can check the executive by overruling a veto with a 2/3 vote. It can also remove a President through impeachment. Plus, the Senate approves treaties and presidential appointments. The legislative branch can check the judicial branch by lower courts and removing judges through impeachment. Plus, the Senate approves or rejects the appointment of judges by the president.

How does the separation of powers relate to the legislative branch?

The balance of powers is dependant on each branch having a way to monitor the other branches, and each branch having its own separate abilities. The legislative branch is the only branch that can enact policy and change the Constitution. In addition, the legislative branch must approve all appointments to executive and judicial branches made by the President, and the legislative branch may impeach any member of the executive or judicial branch if necessary.

What does the separation of powers prevent?

It prevents one branch (judicial, executive, legislative) from having too much power.

What are the three branches of the governement?

The three branches of the US government:The legislative branch, which passes laws.The executive branch, which carries out the laws.The judicial branch, which settles disputes about the laws.

What are some advantages or disadvantages to having a large executive branch bureaucracy?

The Con's to this branch of government are that it could be very hard for the legislative branch and executive branch to come to an agreement when it comes to passing laws.