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Injuries can occur to the legs and head. Players can have their ankles and/or knees injured by tackles. Players can pull muscles in their legs from all of the running or running on a wet turf. The head could be injured if two people go up at the same time for a header and their heads collide. Most of the injuries are minor and should not persuade anyone from playing the sport.

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Q: What are the Dangers of playing soccer?
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How long has ronaldihno been playing soccer?

Ronaldihno has been playing soccer since 1998 in the year 1999 he joined F.C.B . He has played soccer for 8 years till now.

What are the drawbacks of playing Soccer?

The drawbacks of playing soccer mostly relate to the physical aspect of the game. People are likely to get injured at some point during their career, and it is also hard on the body to run as much as soccer players do.

How long has Mexico been playing soccer for?

Well, They Have been playing all there Life.

At what age did Mia Hamm start playing soccer for the National Women Soccer Team?

at age 15,

How did Pele get interested in soccer?

he liked playing with balls

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Is ballet more dangers than soccer?

no it is not. Ballet is graceful and soccer is ruff.

What are the Dangers of playing arena football?

the dangers of playing arena football are the same as if you were to play outdoor football

How can i get better at playing soccer?

you can get better at playing soccer by practicing.

How do you get soccer cancer?

by playing soccer!

What is a soccer ball for?

For playing soccer

Where is the art in soccer?

playing soccer

How did japan started playing soccer?

soccer was

What is the meaning of playing soccer in a dream?

according to proffesionals if you are to dream of playing soccer in your sleep you are in the top 25% of soccer players in the world

How old was Hope Solo when started playing soccer?

Hope was 5 when she started playing soccer

Where can you get a degree in soccer playing?

you can get a degree for soccer playing no where because it is a dream and college cant help you with that.

How do you use soccer in a sentence?

I play soccer I played soccer Soccer is a game I enjoy watching/playing

Why does the back of your hand hurt after playing soccer?

The reason the back of your hand hurts after playing soccer is because of the friction.