Discrete components. Most components were the same as in first generation computers, but vacuum tubes were replaced with transistors. Operating voltages were correspondingly reduced and circuits sped up as a result.
Because the first, second, and third generation computers were also digital computers.
Electro-Mechanical Computers were used before first generation of computers.
no, first generation computers used vacuum tubes.
The speed of computers increased from one generation to the next generation, and to the next generation, and so on.
Discrete components. Most components were the same as in first generation computers, but vacuum tubes were replaced with transistors. Operating voltages were correspondingly reduced and circuits sped up as a result.
Second Generation computers. The VAX mentioned above is just a single model of first generation electronic computers.
By most definitions, first generation computers were the ones built with vacuum tubes.
The first minicomputers were second generation computers, but the most well known minicomputers were third generation computers.
Because the first, second, and third generation computers were also digital computers.
Second generation computers are often called transistorized computers. The transistorized computers are more advanced computers than the first generation of computers.
Electro-Mechanical Computers were used before first generation of computers.
first generation computers
No computers.
First generation computers.
no, first generation computers used vacuum tubes.