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Rats were used because they were cheap, easy to get, and around, but nothing lists why or where they were used. The most common tortures in the middle ages had various devices such as the rack, scavengers daughter, the scolds bridle, ducking stool, torture by dislocation, iron balls, water torture, boot torture branding and burning including being burned at the stake, execution by quartering, execution by the wheel, hanging and being hung, drawn and quartered. I think that these were probably enough.

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Why did they have rat torture?

Because people hate rat. So they torture them and use them for animal testing. - Kristen

When and where did rat torture begin?

Rat torture began in 1984 in room 101 located in the ministry love which is situated in an unknown location in Ocenia.

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How can you have a rat?

Dont get a rat unless you want it! DONT TORTURE AN ANIMAL!!!!!!!!! ESCPECALLY A RAT!!! And you have a rat, like any other small animal, exept for the fact that rats are much BETTER!!!! NEVER FORGET!!!

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It is not recommended to punish animals for their natural behaviors. It is important to ensure they are kept in separate enclosures to avoid further harm. Seek professional guidance on how to properly care for both animals.

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One of the products used for rat control is a mouse trap, which snaps shut when a rat crosses it. Another product that is used is poisonous rat bait, which kills a rat after it is consumed.

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Modern rat poison is an anticoagulant, not arsenic. This is much safer!

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It means to tell or spy on someone. Used in a sentence, I am not going to rat on my friends,i don't like doing that.

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It means very drunk. I think it came from a medieval torture method,where a rat was placed on the victim's stomach and a bucket placed on top of it. The bucket was then heated and the rat would burrow into the victim's stomach trying to escape. It would eventually come out of the victim's backside.The victim would be dead (from bleeding) by this stage. So being truly "rat-arsed" is not a good thing.

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Which element is used as rat poisn?

Anticoagulant rodenticides such as warfarin and brodifacoum are commonly used as rat poisons. These compounds work by preventing blood clotting, leading to hemorrhaging and ultimately death in rats.

Which element is used for rat poison'?

Anticoagulants such as warfarin and bromadiolone are commonly used in rat poisons. These substances work by preventing blood from clotting, leading to internal bleeding and eventually death in rodents.