The 3 branches of science is life science, physical science and earth science.
The life science, known as biology, deals with all living things. It studies the behavior, history, and developement of living organisms. The french naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck introduced the term 'Biology' in the 1800s. Some of the subdivisions of life science are the botany, zoology, Genetics etc.
Physical science deals with the science of matter and energy. Some of its subdivisions are Physics, Chemistry and Astronomy.
Earth science is sometimes considered as a part of physical science, but now it stands apart as the earth faces more and more critical problems. Earth science is firther subdivided into specific fields of studies, some of which are Geology, Paleonthology, Oceanography, Meteorology and Petrology.
There are not ten branches of science, there are only three. Natural science, social science, and formal science are the only branches. Everything else is a division of one of these three branches.
the two main branches of science is natural science, and muncar science.
Math is a language not a science. Better stated Math is a pure language. In addition, math is used to model a science and eventually draw conclusion from it.
science is science, earth science is study of earth(it's motions,revolution) Science is a Systematic, Comprehensive, Investigation and Exploration of Nature's Causes and Effects. Earth science is the study of the earth its structure, changes and history.
The branches of pure science include disciplines such as physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, and mathematics. These branches focus on understanding fundamental principles of nature and the universe through observation, experimentation, and theoretical reasoning.
It's main branch is pure science then natural science then physical science.
What are the branches of Science under Biological Science?
the zoology - the study of animals. :]
well, there are only 3 branches of science, BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, and PHYSICS.
Physical science, Earth science, and life science.
The 3 main branches of science are-: physics chemistry biology
Physical Science Life Science Earth&Space Science
The 3 branches of science are Physical, Earth and Life Science. Physical Science is about the study of non-living systems, Earth Science is about scientific terms related to planet Earth and Life science is about the study of living things.
The Three Major Branches of Science Are The Ff: a) Pure Science-involves gathering of information through expirementation mainly for the pursuit of knowledge.Pure Science has three branches:Life Science,Physycal Science,Earth Science. b) Applied Science-deals with the search for practical uses of scientific knowledge and laws. c) Technology-is the application of the scientific knowledge.
biology ,physic ,chemistry
There are not ten branches of science, there are only three. Natural science, social science, and formal science are the only branches. Everything else is a division of one of these three branches.