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People use all the letters of the alphabet to communicate. They use the letters to forms words. Words by convention have meanings which are used to communicate.

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Q: What are some symbols letters of the alphabet people use to communicate?
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Why does the English alphabet only have 26 letters?

the reason this is because the English language came from England and England had 26 letters. English is an amalgam of several languages, Latin and German among them. Most of the 26 letters came from Latin but some, such as J and K, came from other languages.

How many letters are in the Tahitian alphabet?

There are 14 letters in the Tahitian alphabet. There is one letter that looks like this ' and many people will mistake that for punctuation even though it is a letter.

How was the English alphabet invented?

ALPHABET HISTORY The alphabet is a set of characters of symbols used to communicate in a written form in a specific language. These characters may be different according to each nationality, but… How did we get it? This was a large process that started in the early days of civilization. People started searching a form of communication. The first people that write things, draw symbols on rocks or shells; these symbols represented things of their daily life. The Hunterer-gatherers, the name gave to the people that hunted animals and gathered nuts and berries for food, drew on cave walls or on animal hides to tell us how to hunt animals or where to find them. People were using a system of symbols to represent people, places and things. The best example of this was developed in Egypt where hieroglyphs were used. Symbols were also used to represent water, buildings, food and other parts of life. But the idea of an alphabet in which one symbol represents one sound, was fist used in Egypt in 1990 B.C. The ancient Greeks adapted this alphabet and created their own. The ancient Romans refined it until it looks the same as the one we have. Now the idea of putting letters together to form words was born. Towards 1000 BC the evolution of 4 other alphabets occurred: The Canaanites, Aramaic, South Semitic and Greeks Aramaic alphabet. You can see by looking at letters from the Roman alphabet that these letters survive in our modern alphabet. --- English uses the Roman alphabet with minor modifications.

How did people communicate along the silk road?

Letters and word-of-mouth.

Why do you use the alphabet?

The alphabet is important ofcourse. It is important because if we wouldn't have made letters there would be no words. If we didnt make words we would have no way of communicating. The alphabet is also important because people write stories to entertain us. We use the internet by reading it and for many other reasons. If the alphabet wasnt needed, why invent it?

Related questions

How do people translate gnommish numbers from Artemis Fowl?

It is just the alphabet, but symbols for each letter. Go to, click games, then click decoder. It shows all the letters with their symbols above them. The symbols are the same for every book.

Where did writing first developed?

Writing was first devolped at 2000 BC in Egypt. The Egyptians developed writing to communicate with the future people and each other. At first, writing was made of symbols not letters.

Why does the English alphabet only have 26 letters?

the reason this is because the English language came from England and England had 26 letters. English is an amalgam of several languages, Latin and German among them. Most of the 26 letters came from Latin but some, such as J and K, came from other languages.

Can people with dyslexia recite the alphabet?

dyslexics know the alphabet. they can recognize letters, so yes, they can. the problem is in switching letters around, not recognizing them.

Is the word alphabets equivalent to alphabet letters in common usage?

No. The word "alphabet" only refers to the group of letters; it does not refer to the individual letters themselves. There seems to be a tendency for people from India to misuse the word "alphabet" in place of the word "letter."

How did people communicate in the 1700s?

Mailing letters.

How did colonial people communicate without a phone?


How many letters are in the Tahitian alphabet?

There are 14 letters in the Tahitian alphabet. There is one letter that looks like this ' and many people will mistake that for punctuation even though it is a letter.

How did people use to communicate in the olden days?

By writing letters

How did people communicate without electricity?

Letters,speech or actions

How did people in the 1600's communicate with friends?

They wrote letters.

Can people make new letters that do not exist?

yes they can it will be like making new alphabet and have as much letters as the egyptians