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that the u.s. sucessfuly defended their country and evaded a nuclear war. we had to raise our defconn to two though and that's the highest its ever been.

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Q: What are some success of the Cuban missile crisis?
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Was the Cuban missile crisis the bombing of cuba by the US?

No. That was what led to the crisis. The crisis was that Russia was putting some nuclear missiles in Cuba as a deterrent to the bombings.

What were some of the world news during the 1960's?

The first Space walk Cuban Missile crisis

What were some cons for the Cuban missile crisis?

Since it was successful (no war & missiles removed); there are no negative aspects about it.

What were some negatives of the Cuban Missile Crisis?

1-could start a world war 2-cubans would've died

Was Austria involved in the Cuban Missile crisis?

No... It was mainly US, Russia, and Cuba. Some minor places were West Germany, Italy, and Turkey.

Four political events in the 1960s?

Some examples of the political events that happened during the 1960â??s are the involvement of US in the war in Vietnam and the passing of the Civil Rights Act. Other examples are the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Voting Rights Act.

How did JFK handle the Cuban missiles?

The Cuban missile crisis was the mark of the brink of world destruction. President Kennedy and Khrushchev were at the brink of war. However, JFK did some shuttle and backchannel diplomacy, thus avoiding destruction of the entire planet.

What was a debate during the Cuban missile crisis?

One of the main debates during the Cuban missile crisis was whether the United States should launch a military invasion of Cuba to remove the Soviet missiles. This option, advocated by some within the U.S. government, carried the risk of escalating the conflict into a full-scale nuclear war. Ultimately, President Kennedy chose a blockade of Cuba as a less aggressive response, leading to a diplomatic resolution with the Soviet Union.

Why isn't the US allowed to travel to Cuba?

Well, I'm sure there is some way you can get to Cuba legally, but the main reason it is so hard is because of the Cuban Missile crisis, we aren't exactly on good terms with the Cubans.

Did President Kennedy remove nuclear missiles from Turkey to resolve a crisis?

The placement of U.S. nuclear missiles in Turkey is thought to have provoked the Cuban Missile Crisis. Missiles in Turkey were close enough to strike Moscow, so Russia placed armaments in Cuba, which was within striking distance of U.S. soil. The Missile Crisis, began on October 14th 1962. Robert Kennedy said, during negotiations with the Russians that the missiles would be removed within a short time after the crisis ended. The Missile Crisis ended on October 28th of 62 and the missiles were quietly taken out of turkey some time after April 24th 1963.

Has the pentagon ever gone into defcon 2?

The United states has only been at def con 2 once. This was during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Some believe that we went to def con 2 during 9/11.

What were some struggles in the cold war?

There were a variety of struggles during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. They included the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis, which both took place during the 1950s.