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The Declaration of Independence is the document by which the colonies broke away from being governed by England. The Declaration recognizes that "All men are created equal" and that all people have rights endowed upon them by their creator. These righte being; Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Other rights enjoyed by Americans are enumerated in the US Constitution, not the Declaration of Independence. But without the Declaration, the Constitution would not be possible.

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13y ago

The United States declared themselves to be a soverign nation and informed the British that they would not accept their rules, their King or their taxation any further. Therefore they immediately benefitted by not paying taxes anymore and kept this money for themselves (income taxes would only come many years later as a result of WWI). They ultimately benefitted because after a war (which was very one way against America until later on in it, and was ultimately lost by the British because of a lack of will, not a lack of power [Britain had the largest armed forces and navy in the world at that time and was much stronger than America (a situation much different from today)]) they won and became an independent nation. They further benefitted because they became a true republican democracy with one person one vote where "all men are created equal"). This latter aspect of the Declaration led to the complete aboloition of the nobility and aristocracy and basically (legally) created a single class of people; citizens. Even the president is just a normal common person like everyone else.

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14y ago

It basically gave us our freedom or independence. Our rights to almost everything!

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13y ago

they founded the USA

they got released from British control

they established independent colonies

There a few things to get you started :)

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What are some strengths of declaration of independence?

It basically gave us our freedom or independence. Our rights to almost everything!

What were strengths of the Declaration of Independence?

its what gave us our independence from england

What were the strengths of the declaration of independence what were some weaknesses?

The purpose the the Declaration was to inform the king of the grievances of the colonies. It had neither strength or weakness because it wasn’t meant to be that way.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the declaration of independence?

There are no weaknesses but it was stong- yes the weakness is that it didnt address all rights of THE PEOPLE

What are strengths and weaknesses of the Declaration of Independence?

There are no weaknesses but it was stong- yes the weakness is that it didnt address all rights of THE PEOPLE

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Original Declaration of Independence / dated 4th July 1776. and some stains.

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Declaration of independence and the Virginia statute for religious freedom.

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the declaration of independence the declaration of independence the declaration of independence

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We were betraying them. Which we did. :)

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