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If you are referring to the US, it has never had the office of the dictator. As for the dictatorships of Latin America, they were not comprable.They were totally different from the office of the dictator of the Roman Republic.

The term dictator had a totally different meaning for the Romans. The dictator was an extraordinary officer of state with extraordinary powers who was appointed for with a term of six months to deal with emergencies. He was appointed by the consuls (the two annually elected heads of the Republic) and his mandate was defined by a senatorial decree. Dictators usually resigned when they completed their mandates, even if it was before six months. The dictatorships of Sulla and Caesar were exceptions to this. In 82 BC Sulla was appointed dictator with an indeterminate term of office. He held this office for one year. Caesar was appointed dictator with an indeterminate term and held the office for one year on 48 B.C. He was appointed dictator for ten years in 46 B.C. and for life in 44 B.C.

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