

Best Answer

I'm stuck in a prison with no friends at all,

I'm looking for someone who wants to play ball,

I'm in seventh grade but I really am tall,

I meet a new friend that is extremely small,

My life just got better but its still a cell wall

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Q: What are some poems for Al Capone Does your Shirts?
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Related questions

When was Al Capone Does My Shirts created?

Al Capone Does My Shirts was created in 2004.

Who is the Author of Al Capone does your shirts?

It is actually "Al Capone Does My Shirts" and it's by Gennifer Choldenko.

What was Al Capone's number in the story Al Capone does my shirts?

Alcapone's number is 105

What is the chapter 36 summary of Al Capone does your shirts?

its alcapone does my shirts and why not read it they get some bad news

Who wrote al Capone does your shirts?

Actually, the book is Al Capone does MY shirts which is by Gennifer Choldenko. You're welcome!

Al Capone in the book called Al Capone does my shirts?

Read the book yourslef.

What is the plot to al Capone shines your shoes?

yes there is a sequel to al Capone does my shirts it is called Al Capone Shines My Shoes by Gennifer Chodenko and that book is really really really good. Uh... Idiot hes asking for the sequel to Al Capone Shines my shoes not Al Capone does my shirts - Ep347

What baseball position does Al Capone play in prison in the book Al Capone does my shirts?

second base

What does ucla stand for in al Capone does your shirts?

unactive capone literature asylum

Why was al Capone important to the novel 'al Capone does my shirts'?

Because he leaves moose notes in the clothes that he washes.

Where is moose from Al Capone does your shirts from?

He is from Alkatraz Island.

Where can you read on the internet Al Capone Does your Shirts for free?
