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Q: What are some of the forces at work on American English today?
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Who was victorious of the battle of the bulge?

American and British mainly. By that time in the war there where armed forces from many nations involved to some degree. It was the largest battle American forces engaged in and the battle that resulted in the highest number of American casualties of the European war.

Does American and British language the same?

American English and British English share about 95-98% lexical similarity, making them the same language (much to the disappointment of some British people).

What year did Elizabeth I win the armada?

1588. English naval forces (with some help from bad weather) defeated the Spanish forces. The battle was won, not the actual Armada. The fleet was sunk or scattered by bad weather. Some ships limped back home.

How many years of English language?

Your question is a bit too vague for a definite answer. Old English dates back to before 900 BCE, but bears little resemblance to modern English. The Norman invasion in 1066 introduced French to Old English, resulting in Middle English. This is the language used by Chaucer. Modern English was largely solidified during Elizabethan England. A lot of Shakespeare's terms helped to really settle some of the rules we use today. Even so, most of us today have a hard time easily recognizing the English of Shakespeare's time. I suppose you could argue that there's an American English that developed during the time of the Revolution and the founding of the United States.

Did anything noteworthy happen today in history for 13th of November?

There is a few things that have happened in the 13th of November that made history. Some of the things that have happened are in 1956 US Supreme court rules race separation on buses in Alabama unconstitutional and in the year 1775 American Revolutionary forces capture Montreal.

Related questions

What are some of the differences in British and American use of the English language?

Some of the differences in British and American use of the English language include the different dialects and pronunciations of words. There are differences in some spelling as well for example: our ending, like colour to color.

Where in Dominican Republic is east Caribbean English spoken?

There are a ancient english colony at the Samana city, which is located in the east cost of the dominican republic. By american english is hightly acepted in all arround the country you can find some one who can speak american english there.

What are some variations of English around the world?

There are many different dialects of English spoken around the world. Of course there is the most used in American English, and then there is British English from where the language originated.

What do we as a culture still do today that you learned from the Native American Indians?

Some of us still smoke tobacco.

What are some good English language schools in Paris?

There are a few good English language schools in Paris, France. Some of the better one's are 'American School of Paris', 'The Little English Montessori School' and 'International School of Paris'.

What kind off weapon is a 1911 pistol?

A M1911 is a pistol that was used as standard issue by the Armed Forces for many years before 1985. It is a single action, semi-automatic weapon that is still used by some U.S. Forces today.

Why do southern Americans sound like their mouth is always stuffed with food?

Southern Americans were heavily influenced by Elizabethan English, some of which can still be heard today in the mountains of Tennessee and Virginia. There is a distinct rhythm and cadence to English as spoken by the Southern American. Today's Southspeak is a blend of Elizabethan English, Ebonics, and plain contrariness. Your question immediately brings to the fore an exaggerated drawl which is usually reserved for those who do not understand the culture. Southern Americans may speak slowly...but they usually think quicker than the Northerner.

What are some of the forces that can repress theater?

internal and external forces.

Are some Chevrolet models made in china?

yes i think so mate sorry if i have grammar problems im not english or american

Do the majority of migrants today speak English as their native language?

English is a very common language that people around the world speak. The migrants who come to US probably speak English as well as their native language. If they don't speak English, they will probably learn some as they continue to live in the US.

Do Americans understand well British English?

I saw an American movie about the story of two youngsters who went to England and had difficulties to understand some people. Especially the Cockney dialect spoken by some English. At a certain time of the movie one of the actors asks for subtitles...

What lagunage does keochup?

Ketchup is the dominant term in American English and Canadian English with "catsup" being the prominent term in some southern US states. In these dialects, tomato sauce refers to pasta sauce, and is not a synonym for ketchup.