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The challenges are many. Like a number of African countries that were colonized, Congo was victimized by its colonizers for many years. Belgium (especially under King Leopold) was brutal and harsh towards the native Congolese, plundering their mineral wealth and using the Congolese to work in the mines (and in other menial jobs) at low wages while Belgium benefited. Congo also suffered after independence: it had little infrastructure, a poor educational system, and soon, a civil war broke out as various factions tried to gain power (sometimes exacerbated by its neighbors, Uganda and Rwanda); this has resulted in the deaths of millions.

Although Congo has been independent since the early 1960s, it remains impoverished, while a small number of wealthy elites enjoy the benefits of the country's considerable Natural Resources. Government corruption is a major problem, as is income inequality, and there is a persistent lack of infrastructure (such as electricity in rural areas or paved roads). Child labor can still be found in the mines, and education is expensive-- this means only the upper classes can afford to send their kids to a good school. (And even in the private schools, many are run by churches and the curriculum focuses on rote memorization of dogma rather than science, or subjects that involve critical thinking). Meanwhile, girls are still not encouraged to attend college, Birth Control is difficult to obtain outside of the cities, and illiteracy is still a problem in rural parts of the country. As the war and factional fighting persists, women are raped by militiamen still trying to conquer their enemies; sadly, few rapists are punished because the legal system is weak. The tragedy of it all is that Congo has so much to offer: nature preserves, mineral wealth, scenic places that could bring in tourism. Further, the Congolese people are known for being industrious. Yet because of the country's continued instability and the fact that few have access to modern technology, this has prevented Congo from advancing.

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